
HorseGrant is the sort of person who voted for Trump because everyone was being so mean to Trump. 

OP’s post was a little all over the place but are we really still doing the “criticizing racism is why Trump won so don’t” thing?

This is so stupid. The potential upside, gaining votes among moderate Republicans and conservative Independents, is minimal. The downside, angering your base in an election where your base is highly energized and turnout is your best path to victory, is massive. This is politically stupid, morally stupid, ethically

Tom Perez and the rest of the old guard Democrats need to step the fuck aside.

I dunno, I’ve always wanted a handy guide to explain the concept of “mansplaining” to people who don’t get it and I feel like now I can just show the opening of this hearing.

Who the fuck writes “Go to Matt’s baseball game” or “Go to Judge’s” or “Go to Grease II with Suzanne” on the day of? You write the event, not orders to follow regarding it.

Dear old white guys,

Plastic Croissant is a pathetic cumstain who's scared of girls. 

Thank you, to everyone attending one of these events.

As a guy I am amassed at how many women are dismissing these allegations as either it didnt happen or “boys will be boys”. For instance, there is a radio show in my area that I hate listen to on the way home, the guy is a total Trump bootlicker. Anyways, yesterday he had callers call in regarding this, so many women

Sure. Or, say, now. It’s not like the end goal is a criminal conviction, we just want to determine whether or not this happened. The best way to do that is through an investigation, as opposed to relying strictly on the public testimony of the involved parties elicited (on both sides) by partisan actors.

So I have to ask.

It appears she is willing to answer questions. What she’s balking at is doing so without a thorough investigation, because merely having the two of them publicly answering questions turns it into a he said / she said conundrum, where there’s no way to know who’s being truthful. That’s why determination of guilt or

This is one of the biggest problems women face - the idea that as long as they don’t “put up with any inappropriate behaviour”, nothing bad will happen to them. Ergo, any woman who gets harassed or assaulted MUST have inadvertently or deliberately encouraged the man.

Me to Kavanaugh and every single person who ever has, continues to, and ever will enable him:

I’ve almost got a RWNJ Bingo!

Also, the greys left on the absurd “Because she wants to go to the FBI she is lying” bandwagon are still going for it. We have a George Soros mention. We have a Bill Clinton mention because, sure, when a woman comes out decades later to accuse a Democrat of sexual assault, we take her claim at face value, no sir no

Make no mistake about it - they are bullying someone who claims to have experienced decades of trauma after being the victim of a violent attempted rape, someone who, after agonizing over the decision of whether to come forward once Kavanaugh’s name was being publicized as a Supreme Court nominee, decided to remain

Great, so this guy is one of the ones in charge of questioning her. Sounds reeeeeally impartial.

If she testifies they will drag her through the mud and force her to relive decades old trauma. And then they will confirm him. If she doesn’t testify they will use it as evidence that this was some George Soros lead liberal plot and still confirm him. In a just world everything would be put on hold while there was a