
During a visit to the White House by the Spanish royal family, Trump wanted Spain to build a wall *** across the Sahara ***.

This is going to sound like a broad brush statement (because it is), but the further you go down the Libertarian/Objectivists/Ayn Randian ideological rabbit hole, the more likely you are to encounter sexual predators. They use their “the government can’t tell me what to do” attitude and some tortured logic to

What in the fuck is the point of calling the Democrats’ motivations into question? They are not the ones bullying an alleged sexual assault victim for naked political purposes. There is not necessarily a ton of obvious gain *might* be helpful politically to Democrats to have Kavanaugh’s nomination delayed

If Dr. Ford’s allegation was the only issue with Kavanaugh, this is a different discussion. Kavanaugh perjured himself to Congress. That along should disqualify him. Add in his mystery debt that disappeared. Then his views on the president being above the law (funny, he didn’t feel that way when Clinton was

This is going to get to him bigly.  She could have written that his presidency is the worst thing to happen to America since 9/11.  She could have written that his wife is hideous looking and braindead.  She could have written that he is a grade-A asshole and dumber than a nutless squirrel.  She could have called his

Roma Downey is a Catholic from Northern Ireland. Anyone coming out of that insane, murderous Christian in-fighting who still holds fast to their kind of Christianity is verifiably psycho. Most from NI eschew religion at this point because they’ve seen the damage it’s done. The ones who hold on to it are the nuts who

Right-wing protesters don’t usually go around masked breaking and setting shit on fire when they protest

Unfortunately, most of us don’t need to be told that law-enforcement resources and sympathies are strongly weighted against all social good, and toward right-wing fascism. And for the people who actually need to learn this, this proof will be meaningless. There’s no saving this country. 

I’m desperately trying to choke you with my mind. Please let me know if it works. 

So instead of a guy who overborrows and uses bankruptcy as a tool, you want a guy who overlends and uses federal bailouts as a tool.

You’re exactly what’s wrong with this country, you unfathomable pile of shit.

No, it is the government’s job to take Jeff Bezos’s money and spend it on useful things like healthcare and public schools.

what does boot leather taste like?

He could start with his own employees

Godwin’s law is a tool used to deflect criticism from nazi’s. I dismiss anyone who cites Godwin’s law in an argument.

The damage is pretty much irreparable at this point. My whole life, I’ve generally been all about “giving everyone a voice,” but this was hinged on a generally good faith argument. Conservatives in this country have pretty much spent the past few years wiping their ass with the idea of good faith, spewing out and out

I was a big believer in Godwin’s law prior to 2016.

The second Hitler is brought into any discussion that does not directly involve WW II (and specifically the European theater of WW II, in most cases), something has gone wrong with the conversation.

...but, even more significantly, as Mr. Schwartz points out, if your sole recourse for defending another person’s actions

Abby, this isn’t even about where to place the blame. Trump is claiming those deaths were made up by Dems in a conspiracy to get him. He’s fucking nuts.