
Simple. It’s a deliberate conflation used in order to shut down debate.

I went to college in the US right after 9/11. I’m the daughter of a secular Jew, who had never explored her Jewish roots much, but was interested in doing so. Basically... the perfect target for Hillel recruitment. I became more involved with the Jewish community on campus, taking classes in Hebrew and hanging out

As a Jew I feel safe to say this is a terrible idea and will create MORE anti semitism. Fuck Israel. Oh I’m sorry, am I a self hating Jew now?

Horse. Shit. The trumps have NEVER been religious. Eric wouldn’t know the difference between Judas and a toilet brush. These are racist fuck sticks. It’s OK to admit it.

Don’t go monkeying up Eric’s use of words. You’re the racists looking for nothingburgers like the deep state globalists you are. Also, I came up with these words at random, therefore, you can’t criticize me. Cosmopolitans.

One can’t help but wonder: how many people actually aren’t sick of Stephen Miller’s shit? I mean, among people who actually know him. This being 2018 America, I’m sure there’s a small but terrifying band of die-hard Miller fans whose fetish is thirty-somethings who look like their grandfathers. And no doubt the “I

But first he'd get really old and gross looking... Oh.

I truly hope that people remember, and harp upon, the utter frauds that Evangelicals have revealed themselves to be.

More spiritual leaders should call out this administration on their lack of simple compassion and willingness to inflict violence on the least powerful.

Maybe, but really the bombing was in their city and their song became the anthem of resistance, resilience, unity, whatever. He should have moved heaven and earth to make it happen and could likely have gotten out of almost anything as the publicity would have been monsterous and made whatever he was possibly

I’m showing this to the next asshole who tells me that Islam preaches violence and Christianity doesn’t. This man is literally declaring some sort of holy war and wants extrajudicial violence in the name of Christianity...

Being a shit-stirring wanker, as usual:

I was always Team Blur because Oasis were so bloody chippy. Nice to see some things never change.

If I was not an Ariana Grande fan before the past week, I am now. She kept the focus on those who were injured and died in the explosion, not on herself. She kept her word to come back and give another concert. Her choice of Somewhere Over the Rainbow for a tribute to those who were injured and died would have made a

I’m not ashamed to say I cried a bit (a lot!) I’m a Mancunian so this was close to home for us. (30 minutes away) The arena and OT cricket ground are pretty much local venues. 3 of our friends had taken their kids to her arena concert, all of them went back tonight. Ariana and everyone who performed did us all proud -

There was more chance of ISIS seeing this concert and declaring they’ve lost than those two making up.

Ariana has shown more bravery than a whole lot of manly-men that trolled Jezebel yesterday.

I loved this so much. While it hasn’t been said exactly what the motivation was for targeting Ariana Grande’s concert to begin with, I can’t help but think it was in part about the fact that so many little girls are her biggest fans.

Good for her. She deserves a lot of credit for her response to the attack and her attempt to push through all of it to provide some normality for her fans.

It was really moving and uplifting and I’m utterly impressed with Ariana Grande.