
Wonder Woman is superb... but there’s a Band Aid-level concert going on at the minute with actual non-actor wonder women, and it’s a bit odd there isn’t a front page pinned Jez thread...

Normally I’d agree with you, but considering goddamn cunts like Piers Morgan were criticizing her for not showing up soon enough I can’t fault her for it in this case.

Wow, I didn’t expect to find Mr. False Equivalence here, but there you are!

Wasn’t there an article, a few weeks ago, covering the arrest of an African-American woman for having called the police two or three times in the space of a couple of years because she was being beaten? For a country that prides itself on the rule of law, there seems to be an awful lot of subjective discretion.

See, this is why I feel that 50 shades is a lying liar. Someone who is brave enough to stay behind and help, isn’t someone who would think that the person they rescued should then turn around put themselves in danger again.

You whined that you only meant it figuratively about stepping over the bodies. That’s rich. The picture you painted is that these two were just standing quietly by while three full grown men were unable to stop the killer and then, as those men lay bleeding they just flipped them the bird and looked for some stain

She called the cops 200 times for loitering and making noise. It’s pretty much rule number one of being an asshole; if you meet one asshole in a day, that person is the asshole, but if everyone you meet in a day is an asshole, you’re the asshole.

They DID go to the police. They gave their witness statements. I’ve heard nothing to suggest it was an abandoned train — presumably, the dying men were already being tended to by adults.

Because naturally you know for certain he doesn’t have a bomb or a gun, that he isn’t coming back, and he acted alone. Because you know for sure that police in America will defend the POC over the racist. Because the guy had just taken out 3 men, so a couple of 16 year old girls should stay and make sure to fight

Wow you’re a real piece of shit. Had to find some way to blame victims for not meeting your irrational standards?

Did you read the story???? The guy had NOT LEFT YET when the girls ran off. As in The TEENAGERS left their bags behind and ran off at the next stop after WATCHING A RACIST STAB 3 PEOPLE AND ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE DYING. As in THE RACIST WAS STILL STABBING PEOPLE WHEN THE GIRLS RAN. Your version of events makes sense if

Yeah because this is all about YOU.

Yeah those sixteen year old Muslim GIRLS should have stuck around to give the victims first aid after being verbally assaulted by a MURDERER who they don’t know the exact location of. Makes perfect sense.

Not just that, they probably just got a heaping helping of PTSD which cause dthem to act very differently than they would’ve if they had not been viciously attacked by an actual terrorist who then knifed 3 MEN who tried to intervene. Go figure, right? Damn, people really have no understanding of the human brain and

You know what? Shut the fuck up. You don’t have any right to presume what’s going through the minds of two women who were the victim of a hate attack. It’s so easy to Monday morning quarterback from the safety of your own computer, isn’t it?

My advice to anyone who was the target of a verbal assault and just watched the perpetrator of that assault stab several other people, and who have NO IDEA whether the situation is safe would be to, yes, leave the scene. Because their safety is paramount. They can give a statement to the police later (which they did).

Seriously, shut the fuck up with this made up bullshit, you fucking liar.

That’s some pretty confident armchair quarterbacking. You’re a terrible person.

Wow, you are describing this with remarkable self-awareness. Tell us more about what it was like to be there, a teenage girl just viciously verbally assaulted, and **not** step over the bodies of the people just attacked by the man who assaulted you, because you were 100% certain there was no further danger!!

Of all the people who responded, I don’t know why you’re the only one who pointed this out. This is the most obvious answer to me. They would have been flooded with hate mail, no doubt.