
This is like the police chief in NY a few days ago saying that since most rapes were committed by people the victims knew, there wasn’t really a problem.

Especially since it leads to the abused person living in fear. Their home is no longer safe. Even if it only ever happens once, there is always that little voice telling you it’s a possibility.

I will never understand why somehow it’s less of a crime to hurt someone close to you that someone random on the street. Shouldn’t the penalty for hitting someone your supposed to love and care for be more stringent that getting in a random fight?

I never got the Trevor Noah hate. I think he’s fine. Not the best, not the worst. His show is still enjoyable to watch, not in small part due to the correspondents.

Trevor Noah has improved, but Seth Meyers has been doing this longer. I feel like years of weekend update was practice for stuff like this.

Dumb bs? trump being blackmailed by the russians to be their puppet is dumb? Get out of here with that crap.

if it’s true that russia has been cultivating donald for five years, i see that as noteworthy and i’d like that to be further investigated. agree to disagree, i guess.

The haberdasheries are all out of haberdash!

It’s crazy how the right got themselves into such a white frenzy over those assholes torturing that boy on FB. The perpetrators were immediately arrested, charged with all kinds of things, including hate crimes, and most assuredly face stiff jail time. That is what is supposed to happen in a case like this, so people

Trump thinks Meryl Streep is “over-rated.” This comes from a man that gave us Scott Baio at the national convention.

“inciting people’s worst instincts.”

Look back on all the ‘candid’ photos taken of Obama interacting with people, especially kids, while in the White House. Acting like the kid in the Spider-Man costume webbed him? Flexing in front of a kid dressed as Superman? Can you imagine what photos will come from Trump in the White House?

Trump, with the benefit of hindsight and decades of historical and legal analysis, praised the internment of Japanese and stated that he wanted it brought back.

FDR didn’t promise to do those things *before* he was elected. Trump did. He literally said he would put muslims into interment camps. People asked him how that was different than japanese americans in WWII and his answer was “You tell me!”....

Ok this got longer than I expected, and took over an hour but here we go.

We had all the power we needed. And we decided that being bad at emails and giving speeches to people who have money and having a world-renowned charity with a spotless record were just beyond the pale.

These fucks don’t even try and hide their giant ‘fuck you’ appointments anymore. This is becoming a shiny new dictatorship right before our eyes.

Admittedly, I have only myself, and the liberal bubble in which I exist, but most people I know and myself and started disliking him years ago. He fell out of support among most Democrats who paid any attention after the rape allegations. And his behavior since then has been pretty bad. The last two years have also

Member when Trumpers stayed up all night to see Wikileaks big announcement that was going to destroy Hillary Clinton, and all they got was Happy Anniversary Wikileaks?

Member when Assange prolonged the publishing of hacked DNC e-mails to keep the story in the news cycle as long as possible?