
Dear lord I hope she gets the invite and performs the song. I would actually watch the inauguration if that happens.

It’s not a stereotype in this case. Trump, owner of a bigly fortune, with the most luxurious, best taste in everything is a fiend for KFC. Allegedly. There’s a lot of stories about him eating KFC alone in his tower or on the plane during the campaign. The joke was that he picked Pence because Mikey loves the Colonel’s

Please. Trump just thinks she’s offering to sing a song about seedless watermelons.

I’m not sure Donald has the reflective capacity to understand what level of dis this constitutes. I just read this interview with Errol Morris on Trump’s astonishingly shallow take on Citizen Kane, and how his particular pathology leaves him unable to achieve basic comprehension of art, or irony, or humor, or anything

I am adoring all the people who using this invitation to back hand, head slam Trump. The more people say “Nah” to him the better.

It’s really great - and kudos to her.

Exactly. This is an important point. Trump looks awful (in those expensive fucking Brioni suits) not because he’s a fat, but because he has no taste and even less sense. He could afford excellent tailoring, obviously. And excellent tailoring can make anyone look good. But literally everything he does—including getting

I mean, you just kind of explained it. Pence is bad, but he’s bad in the normal sense of being bad. Pence is a political threat. Donald Trump is an existential threat on top of being a political one.

You literally know nothing about what you’re talking about, and anyone who works in actual performance industries or entertainment law could educate you. Or as I did explain some things to you, as an expert in this field. But you prefer to pull the misogynist, swinging dick card of “let me tell you how things work”,

There is something especially gross about the fact that this is Trump and that a group of women are being essentially forced to do something they don’t want to do for his benefit, isn’t there? I mean, I understand the whole “this is your job, and you have an obligation” and whatnot, but the the idea of the

Thanks for this. I just emailed the following, so anyone can feel free to borrow/paraphrase:

Just can’t WAIT for the Kelly Anne Conway spin on this!

Forced labor is not a good look for a supposedly “free country.”

So when is Twitter going to suspend Our Dear Leader’s account for the good of humanity? He’s already insulted China in an “unpresidented” way, caused stocks of major companies to rise and fall by billions of dollars, called out individual citizens who he thinks insulted him which led to his followers harassing them,

That would be the most amazing “fuck you” ever.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

“Forcing dozens of women to go and perform for this man is without a question going to be problematic.”

Already forcing women to do something with their bodies against their will, and he’s not even president yet.

The word ‘elite’ is like a slur to these people. Most fascist/totalitarian regimes begin with an attack on the academics.

“Such a nasty astrophysicist.” - Donald Trump about Carl Sagan, maybe

It’s not just his Tweets, it’s almost every thing he says or writes. Every freakin’ time he says something, one of his mopes has to come out and say what he REALLY meant was..., or no, you’re too stupid to understand what he said, or he was just joking you guys, or flat-out no, he didn’t say that despite physical