
Unbelievable. If I recall correctly, from what I’ve read the whole “opiophobia” bullshit was used in the US in the 90s and is part of what got us into this whole disaster currently.

The way I feel about it this way: So the day after Trump won yes- I was pretty fucking upset about it. But I figured hey- maybe, just maybeeee there was a slight chance he would resort to being a typical, boring politician and we would resume back into normalcy. I was at least partially willing to give him a chance.

ALL of this.

Also I want to add that I cannot listen to any grown ass adult who can’t say the word “fuck” in a sentence. If you want to say “fuck” then say the fucking shit not some shit substitute to “fuck” like “blank” - really? “Blank” is all you have Scott? You can’t get bold and at least try out “eff” in this big

That’s my point. Republicans whined for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS. They can’t even give us a month or two? Fuck them.

It’s incredible that over the course of 30 years, the ‘better dead than red’ folks are now siding the a KGB created Russian leader over U.S. intelligence departments. Patriotism is now measured by how much you hate/distrust the American government, and support foreign dictators.

Don’t be sorry. You’re right. As if we are protesting the guy who won The Voice or something. This is a presidency! It affects actual fucking lives!

The definition of a Republican is someone who campaigns on the premise that government doesn’t work and once elected sets about proving it.

I really hate this “we won, get over it!” It’s not a football game- this shit is real. We have to face real concerns. The system is set up to allow and encourage dissent and compromise!

After all, Republicans have spent the last eight years providing us with such a great example of maturity and acceptance.