BOTH systems create the problem you described originally... they just use different levers.
BOTH systems create the problem you described originally... they just use different levers.
Feel the feeling? Who came up with this, Trump? One of the lesser Trumps?
>>Are we talking about the Preamble to the United States Constitution now?
>>I 100% understand these protests aren’t ABOUT the military, however they occur during a military exercise / demonstration. This sends incredibly mixed messages to, well, everyone.<<
>>The song that’s about the war of 1812 and fighting the British, which was adopted by the Navy, and then the US is somehow a symbol of the law enforcement agencies that are perpetuating crime against black people.<<
I got a solution to this. Start honoring More African American veterans.
Didn’t you see “managers” plural?
I wasn’t in a union. I was told, in not so many words, to put less effort into my job by managers because it won’t get me anywhere because of their whims and prejudices. Stalemate.
Yep. I should not drink while I Jalop. That is for the staff.
Yes... sorry I “x-ed” when I meant to “h”. I apologize for the error.
The Chrysler LX platform WAS all AMC... it was ready to go but they didn’t have the cash to do it. Chrysler had cash but no new cars under development. So in a manner of speaking… AMC lived and Chrysler died... Except for the badges.
One of the most?
So basically the gist of the story is… Gentrification Displaces the occasional authentic human being and a shit ton of assholes from Brooklyn. Am I right?
Driving 1 1/2 hours (each way) to look at a Miata with a good price, only to find they would tack a $1200 “dealership fee” on top of the price when they wrote up an offer. This was basically a “we wanted to advertise a lower price” fee. I see what you did there, Napelton.
Is 2012 Portlandia already retro?
I believe it is CSX who also routinely parks it’s idling trains in a residential neighborhood’s overnight
How many years are required to study that damn thing? Literally millions of people have been doing it for thousands of years. If they haven’t figured it out by now… They ain’t never gonna figure it out.
Oh yeah, Max... that is a lot more than 5cm...
These are not off-the-shelf lies. They are custom designed to each drivers head. That is why Bell is making adjustments... because swapping a different helmet isn’t a thing that they can do quickly.
Cordless electric drill = marshmallow rotisserie. Boom.