If it was done across state lines, that’ll probably add Federal charges to the state ones. There will be multiple books to throw at this little fucker.
If it was done across state lines, that’ll probably add Federal charges to the state ones. There will be multiple books to throw at this little fucker.
Pretty sure your “well, actually” shit got shut the fuck down in this thread. Have a seat.
While I don’t doubt your plymouth gets 36MPG(I distinctly remember my aunt’s plymouth reliant getting around the same)... Your argument that the economy standards are “laughable” is laughable in itself...mainly because you’re completely ignoring the critical differences between modern cars and your generation of cars
I’m cool with idiots injuring / killing themselves in accidents, but I imagine everybody else’ premiums / hospital bills go up as a result of people with no insurance getting orthopedic surgery because they were too lazy to buckle-up.
“Grid girls were an integral part of Formula 1 for many years,”
I have watched this multiple times...rewound...fast forwarded. Where the fuck did that bat land? Is it hanging in the ether with Prince’s guitar?
Quite unusual, since winter normally curtails how much wood is flippantly displayed.
I’m always jealous of highlights from other leagues, Domincan winter league, KBO, NPB etc, because of how much goddamn fun everyone is having. Players, fans, announcers, everyone. “Respect the game” assholes are the worst.
Hey at least Law was punished by....being transferred to one of the most prestigious churches on earth.
hi, Texans fan here (we exist)
Currently he isn’t any kind of football player except “unemployed.”
Maybe also have more than 2 rest days on a 23 day race.
Offensively large. Blocks my view of the flag.
Driving a Clio *should* be a crime in and of itself.
From what I understand, the rule is that no matter where the receiver is on the field, he must maintain full possession all the way to the ground for the catch to count. So knee down there isn’t enough, by the rule. The ball moved when he hit the ground. I’m not shocked they reversed the catch.
They might as well have wiped their proverbial asses with the American flag.
Tired: Le Mans-inspired street car concept.
Weight and cost don’t have to be a big factor - a new Fit is about $15k and 2500 lbs, with the same footprint and similar performance to the much sought after ‘92-‘95 Civic Si hatchbacks with far better safety and room for 4 adults. All those airbags, better side impact, better small overlap, better stiffer structure,…
I think what would have happened was the he would have made every scientists work 22 hour days with the result that when it came time to actually build the bomb, none of them would be in any condition to do so.