What is horrible about it is it is a horrible road course and it degrades even further the Cup Series championship. We are almost at coin flip time.
What is horrible about it is it is a horrible road course and it degrades even further the Cup Series championship. We are almost at coin flip time.
Let me translate for you. “This track sucks. There are literally 50 road courses in North America better than this disaster and it makes the championship process that is already horrible even worse”. Every NASCAR driver.
I know what you’re saying… But I think it is splitting hairs. The flag can be simply some cloth that you print the Stars and Stripes on. And they get printed before they get cut up and sewn.
… Seriously… If someone parks that in their driveway… You have to immediately know they’re going to start it up and you have to immediately know it’s going to be at 10 PM.
NFL logic: Breaking the collarbone of arguably the most dynamic and exciting player in the league? Totally acceptable. A harmless shove of an inconsequential participant in the action? Instant ejection.
Marshawn is going to Marshawn. And that is what makes him awesome.
You need to go to a baseball game. People saying during any of those things.
Indeed. Why doesn’t this violation of the flag code “disrespect the troops” while other ones do? Perhaps people are sometimes bullsht artists.
The consumer reports new car buying guide/pricing service is excellent.
You know… You can always just buy a full-size replacement keep it at your house. There’s almost no justification for dragging a spare tire everywhere you go with TPS systems.
I think the title should be “33% of cars don’t have something on it that 75% of the people don’t know how to change anyway”…
He didn’t even get a chance to ask not to be tased. That Authority figure was sure free with the nonlethal punishment.
Just whatever NASCAR fan is been asking for… Slower racing and more stupid variables put in the way of a champion.
In summation... the emperor isn’t wearing any f-Ing clothes.
Not if you wish someone dies of leukemia.
All you need is one resident with a bug up their butt to volunteer to cover the costs and you are up the creek.
Race that in vintage events. Problem solved. You are welcome.
Honda will never, ever race against Hyundai in a major series. Ever.
It’s an undesirable vehicle with an undesirable feature! What’s not to love?
And one other thing… As a matter of fact I would fuck each and every one of those sexy motherfuckers in France.