Libraries are one of my favorite things. Not only do they house tools, but they have games, technology and of course books/knowledge.
Libraries are one of my favorite things. Not only do they house tools, but they have games, technology and of course books/knowledge.
The vet told me last year when I got my cat keeping my cat on dry would be good with wet as treat. He would eat both. Now he is more favorable to dry. She said it helps keep his teeth clean. I feed him mostly, Blue Buffalo, which is grain-free. He loves freeze-dried chicken for treats. He is just over a year old now.…
Goddammit. Stop anthropomorphizing wildlife. He’s not a big friendly loveable dummy, he’s just not been in the right (wrong?) circumstances to make him lash out or trigger his prey drive yet. And that “yet” is the keyword here. He hasn’t harmed anyone yet. But that is more luck than anything else. If this continues,…
It’s a cornucopia of police forces at work: RCMP, TPS, OPS, OPP, SQ and maybe a few more. You know shit is real when the Sûreté du Québec gets unleashed on the Anglos outside of la belle province.
It’s not that far off to today’s prices. $2.63 adjusting for inflation, but it will cost you $3 (plus tax so maybe farther off than I think) for two bean burritos now.
We also had a Taco Bell on campus in my upstate New York college and one of the first things my brother (who was a senior when I was a freshmen) told me was to get the bean burritos because they were only $0.89 but had a ton of food in them. I had... so many of them.
Right? There are reasons the cookie scheme moved on.
Some of us are eating French Toast, while looking down on the cakey plebs.
If I don’t have to make them: waffles over pancakes.
I’m strictly on team pancake.
Better yet:
If you were going for either of those two styles of beard, then consider it a favor.
They lynched all the fish
Mountain Brook is east of Birmingham. Parrish is northwest.
The closest McDonald’s to where I work could be open for dine-in, but has chosen so far to remain drive-through only. I’ve wondered if any fast food places will just stay that way permanently.
I think I’m reaching the point where our commentariat’s obsession with Erin’s bad take are getting more annoying than Erin’s actual bad take was :/
It’s just the new name for the freedom convoy.
Not saying this is the case for everyone, but after waiting tables for many years in the late 90s/early aughts, side-by-side couples always gave off big “... and the lady will have the salad” energy.
The problem is Hertz has a pretty bad inventory system. Rather than fix their inventory system ( because that would cost money), when Hertz cannot find a vehicle, they report it stolen to the police. The police then located the missing vehicle *for free*.
[Ralph Nader] Ask yourself: why is it that there’s never been a meaningful, impactful, or challenging exposé written by a car journalist?