
Hunter Fieri might be okay on his own, but he is going to need to work his tail off to develop his own personality and get out of that solar totality of a shadow his father is throwing.

As noted, the hook for the Food & Wine article that got noticed by the Food Network exec was that her family is cinema royalty. Would a sous chef at Spago who was not W. Puck have had a similar feature done if they were not the offspring of famous people? Certainly she’s a better-trained and more experienced chef than

Joe Bastianich definitely had the help of his family name when he was establishing himself in the business — too bad he squandered it by shackling his business to Mario Batali.

Since the part of the sufganiyot that commemorates the miracle is the oil, not the pastry or filling, wouldn’t those cocktails have to have an olive oil chaser to really reflect the reason for the season?

The problem is not a minimum of hours, it is that they are demanding three days of availability. That could be any number of hours. 

Any discrimination suit would have to prove intent, which is practically impossible if this is an “unofficial”, undocumented policy.

There’s a Pick-a-Bagel near my office (they have several locations). They are absolutely not worth $5 per unless they’re in full bagel sandwich form. In store their bagels are about $2 per depending on how you’re paying. A baker’s dozen is listed at $16 on their website but I would not be surprised to see a

Behold the miracle of Goldbelly, which makes its money by marking up everything by crazy amounts. Shipping fresh food is pricey (styrofoam cooler boxed and food-grade cold packs ain’t cheap), but not this pricey.

If you are actually in Grand Central, get a chocolate chip black-and-white from one of the Zaro’s counters (there are three). They’ve taken the traditional vanilla cake bottom and incorporated mini chocolate chips, which makes for an even more moist and rich cake. They’re big enough to share; I really wish they made

I HATE that brand name, but Skinnygirl is the only brand of microwave popcorn that makes mini bags of regular buttered, salted popcorn. (It’s a collaboration with Reddenbacher.) The only other mini bags I have ever seen are Jolly Time (?) kettle corn, which tastes blech thanks to weird sugar analogues.

The chocolate is soft like frosting or fudge, not firm like a Hershey Kiss.

Their sub sandwiches are also very good.

I don’t care for Cheez-Its, preferring Goldfish, but from the sounds of it here in the comments I’m an outlier. I also try to maintain a lower-salt diet, so a salty snack described as “the most salty” is not going to be my thing.

+ ∞ Giardia lamblia

Haven’t people learned that candy canes are for decorating with, not eating? And Peeps are only good for making dioramas.

The most common brand here is Terry’s, which Google tells me is a marque of the French company Carambar (and possibly has its origins in the UK?). I think they may suffer from a perception of being “cheap chocolate”; the drugstores and supercenters where these things are found are not known for the quality of their

Commenter Alex (below?) has some good info. Short version, these are new as of last year.

If soup cannot be breakfast, what the hell is a smoothie?

The Ford Taurus X, a car so betwitx and between that it was nowhere.

Yes, this. I make a fresh sauce that is closer to jam, and that replaces the water with zinfandel and a little orange juice — it is stupid easy and tastes great on ice cream, plain yogurt, and oatmeal, in addition to turkey sandwiches.