
OK, the climber dude cited in this article is far from a “novice” if he’s done lead climbing. And the techniques he’s describing (like the undercling) aren’t exactly easy. It takes a good amount of strength (finger, hand, wrist, arm, leg) and stamina to hold on and keep applying counter-pressure while you’re

Just about everything is vastly superior in an oven versus a microwave. It’s just a bigger pain in the ass for many people and takes longer. A toaster oven is the perfect compromise.

Yeah, I am thankful I never had anything like that go down. My scariest moment: a guy handed his baby down to his wife in the 2-foot area, then proceeded to dive in head first. The thought of having to go roll the guy over and do the backboard procedure, probably leaving him paralyzed (in front of his wife and kid no

Lifeguarding is glamourous  until you are performing CPR on a four year old child with the mother wailing in the background and the only reason you are not stopping is because the paramedics have not arrived and told you to. Shit like that screws you up for a long long time. 

“Hey Steve, can you give us a hand carrying this 200lb dog?”

I was a lifeguard at the country club where my parents were members. This was in New Hampshire, so it wasn’t actually that fancy, and that might have been the best teen job. I got to hang out with my swim team friends and smoke skunk weed in the woods, sit in the sun all day and listen to music (provided it’s not

The MRA movement is trying to weaponize “cuck” as a male insult on par with cunt.

Re: the doctor thing. My wife is a college professor, so she and all of her co-workers (and most of her friends too) have PhDs. It is considered the height of douchebaggery to demand to be called doctor after you’ve had your PhD for more than say, a month or two. You know how much of asshole you have to be to have

Now playing

As I Blues fan, I’ve seen him do cooler things...

Can we see if that truck is available for the inevitable Patriots championship parade in February?

The end times are here.

“For football keepers transitioning to ice hockey, there’s a lot of adjustments,” Čech said. “But playing for Arsenal made me very comfortable with my defenders gliding backward towards my net.”

Once again, “Home” does not always mean a house.

This is a cool story. Looking forward to it.

That small camper looks like it smells like dried urine, stale farts and ancestral sweaty armpits.

What a surprise: multiple men commenting that they too get treated poorly at dealerships, while being (willfully?) ignorant to how different that treatment actually is!

I hate the artificial sweeteners.

It's still diet soda it has artificial sweeteners, but you prefer their flavor choices which cool, but it's not seltzer.

21 dead first graders couldn’t change shit, so I doubt one dead kid will.