
Absolutely! I just hate dragging out my food processor and then having to clean it. I’ve got a tiny kitchen. Just make sure to add the garlic well after you’ve cooked down the carrots and onion, because it doesn’t take as long to cook. If the garlic burns, you’ve got to throw the whole thing away. No way to salvage

If the brewery was on time with the spent grain, the cow-mafia wouldn’t have to show up in the middle of the night.

Don’t begrudge others their benefits. Instead, ask where yours are. If you’re like most people, you’ll find them located in a rounding error at the bottom of an executive’s pocket lint.

Some of these kids probably have partial scholarships, but the part that’s frustrating is... They are talented, take pride in what they do, want to represent their school well, & work hard to be good at what they do. My kid is in a HS marching band & spends 20+ hrs a week in practice. Can’t imagine the Iowa band

Isn’t their lead singer Rachel Nevada?

Find a neighbor with a cider press. Preferably one that also has an apple grinder. I made 10 gallons of cider last year (stored in clean hdpe 1 gallon water jugs in a chest freezer, I had cider until about mid may.)

Give it white doors and it’s pretty much this:

She’s 1/4 Spraytanese on her mother’s side.

It joined the union in 2016.  No way to get rid of it now.

It bothers me that this is an article about her, but the picture is of her boyfriend. I clicked into other links, and there are only pictures of Mike Pence or Stephen Miller. Scumbag or no, she is a human woman, and not an invisible presence defined solely by the men in her life.

Reading can’t be a sport because reading is for nerds and nerds are bad at sports.

He knows. He has a 14 year old sister after all. I’m worried about all of those grown men out there who don’t have 14 year old sisters, and thus have no way of knowing that grown men raping children is bad.

There are no good guys here. It isn’t like Iran (which probably is responsible) just out of the blue attacked a US ally for no reason. And it’s not like the Trump administration hasn’t been goading them into something like this either. This is an awful mess that the Trump administration made worse. But Saudi Arabia

US interventionist history in the middle east has us all concerned of false flag narratives to justify further military conflicts in the region. I hope most people remember the build up to Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts were based on lies and fabrication by the Bush/Cheney white house. We are still paying for those

It’s okay, we can continue to be allies with Saudi instead who finance and support Isis, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, and virtually all other terrorist groups who have attacked Western targets! (Sarcasm)

This is what happens when you have a President that lies about everything - all the time - and tells us to not believe what our intelligence agencies tell us. When something comes up that matters, he has less than zero credibility.

Sometimes, it is personal. If someone tells me they think my marriage shouldn’t be legal because we’re two men or that it’s okay to deny me services based on my orientation, that isn’t a person who can be my friend. How am I supposed to have respect for someone that considers me less than?

I went to college with tons of NoVA kids and they were the fucking worst. They’ve all taken eight years of calculus, 30 AP classes, and have near-perfect SAT scores, but thought Denny’s was the height of cuisine and Manassas (or Burke, can’t remember which garnered more contempt) was some hick town in the middle of

with you on Bush sucking (band and Presidents!) but dear Lord Live is a steaming heap too. I ALONE LOVVVVE YOU, get over yourself, shitbag.