No Roads Adventure

The look Louis CK makes when you steal his jokes without credit.

You think the EPA gives a shit about emissions and pollution? The EPA is just another way for the government to control us with. Sure, they tell all the bleeding hearts that it’s for the environment, but in what way do these rules actually help that? If anything, as pointed out in the article, this truck is BETTER


And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.

You forgot Yo. Any mention of VTEC here needs to be accompanied by a Yo.

Its a Vin Code Lengthener for when you get into a Wreck and don’t want to have to explain to everyone why you have about 7 digits instead of about 100.

To be fair, he did a wicked job on that. Definitely a step up from the normal replica cars you see. Still would rather have an M3 or something for that price though.

You clearly haven’t thought this through. No way to drink through that heat shield padre...and 1-2mph?

I’m not calling you a liar, but not ever? Not 1 over? Not passing? Not to merge smoothly? Not to move with the flow of traffic? I’m sure you understand that’s a tough sell.

One local TV station reported that the emphasis of the campaign was to dispel the myth that there’s any sort of ‘buffer’ – usually accepted to be 9 MPH – when it comes to speeding enforcement. You know how, if you’re on a highway with a 65 MPH speed limit, the general rule is that if you’re doing anywhere up to about

Every 2-stroke snowmobile I’ve ever used has had a set of spare plugs. You’re right about changing them in sub zero too. They may be easily accessible, but the weather still makes it tough.

don’t be a pussy. Phantoms are incredibly easy for anyone to learn how to fly with; easier even.

Yeah—not sure what the belt situation was like, but that’s the big advantage of a 6-point over a 5-point: distributes the load more evenly and, ahem, around things.

cruse control. I have it on my SV

You say that like you can’t just go and sell the Taco for 97% of what you paid for it ;)

I buy a taco and a month later this news comes out? Dammit.

While Hitler did horrible things, there’s no indications that he was tasteless.

Imagine if a car’s wheel feel off, and for some reason that wheel could never be replaced. Chances are, you’d scrap it.

And that’s why horses shouldn’t skip leg day.

Nobody saw The Happening