No Roads Adventure

It shouldn’t be an arms race, first of all. What is the end result? Everyone in a Sherman tank? Sure, SUV’s are somewhat safer for the occupants in general. Especially when going against a sedan, or compact. So, now I can’t drive a sedan or compact because you’re selfish? Also, there are plenty of circumstances where

If you only need a huge SUV to protect you from other huge SUVs, then buying an even huger SUV is just an arms race, not actual safety.

Weather extremes? Nordic countries get along quite well with tons of snow and smaller vehicles. Rain and heat don’t matter for trucks vs. cars.

Full size trucks and SUVs make perfect sense in much of the country.

A bunch of these idiots don’t care about red lights and cannot bring to bare enough braincells to figure out how a roundabout works and these researchers think another light color is going to improve things. Never underestimate the power of stupid people.

Yes. It’s a fun idea, but there is no way the portable wind and solar will be producing sufficient power, on its own, for this undertaking. Unless they have time to sit for days on end (likely longer) to juice up each charge cycle.

Not familiar with sportscar racing?

Beats standing in line at your local VW service manager desk with a second mortgage application....

In CA, a $1.5M house is just firmly middle class. That isn’t a mansion, it’s a small tract home in LA.

I would think the *owners* of the fancy cars would be less than thrilled about having them parked on the street. If I knew a shop was doing that with my car I wouldn’t be taking my car there.

The current ranger has a 3.5k towing capacity. No way would they be able to more than double it

I’ve tried to tell my neighbor that a Ram Promaster Van and a pair of Maxtrax would be just fine for everywhere they want to go. They know nothing about 4 wheeling and keep insisting they need a 4x4 Sprinter. A Sprinter can’t even get around the relatively tame White Rim. I’m still mystified about what is wrong with a

Look, the only proper way to “beta test” this system is for the software to record the movements, calculate and log its responses, and compare them to what the human driver does.

Obviously, sometimes humans might make irresponsible decisions, and those would need to be filtered out from the machine learning loops.


I don’t think I consider it exciting. It gives me something to do. I’m constantly calculating how much throttle to give, which gear to be in, rev-matching downshifts, when to use engine braking, when to pop the clutch and go into neutral. In an automatic there’s just... nothing to do but sit in traffic and shuffle

I wonder how many people who complain about 3 pedals in traffic are people who can barely drive a manual. If you stall once every 5 times and have trouble starting up an incline then yeah I can see it being a pain.

* looks out window at snow. crosses fingers and hopes to get deported to somewhere warmer *

I dunno, the “leaving some space between traffic” on the 405 doesn’t seem that egregious; it’s far better than the folks who will floor it at the first sign of a space and then slam on the brakes when the inevitable stop comes. In fact, I generally try to drive with some “buffer” in stop and go, leaving a bit of space

Maybe the solution is to have bigger vehicles that can carry more people in one go through the tunnel. If it’s really high volume, maybe link the larger vehicles together in a chain so that they all travel at once all at the same speed.

The brakes on Aguilera-Mederos’ semi-truck failed, and he crashed into stopped traffic, killing four people.

An additional factor, including that he destroyed the brakes by misuse and knew the brakes were at risk (he had pulled over when they weren’t working properly to check them,) was that he held a provisional Texas-only driving license. That license was only valid inside the Texas border. It’s reported he missed a