No Roads Adventure

With any bureaucracy, the most common phrase is “that’s not my job”. Finding a person who has the authority to actually help you out is the difficult part.

I think a no-pursuit, no arrest policy is what police will soon be choosing.

more trustworthy news site than Fox or OAN

So if it does turn out that this was the result of a police chase, hoooo boy. Will we finally be able to get through to people that police need to stop engaging in high speed pursuits?

if you want a villain for climate change it is not Exxon, it is every person with an SUV, or Truck, who don’t carpool, casual flying etc.

I think the bigger story here is that 17% of people surveyed didn’t know that Tesla offered an EV.

Getting tired of the “but the holiday season” nonsense. Fuck the retail suckfest that is Christmas. Do what my family did years ago once all the kids were grown. Nobody buys anything for anybody. We all HAVE everything already. I haven’t bought a Christmas present in 25 years. We get together for food and good cheer,

I pay property taxes on my land and it will go up if the value of my land goes up. Maybe we should have stock taxes to make the whole “stocks are like houses” a reasonable comparison.

The dude wildly manipulates the stock market without consequence. Martha Stewart went to prison for less, and she’s a rich white lady.

How he gets away with blatant stock manipulation is crazy. Only the rich area allowed to do it I guess. Any mere millionaire tries to manipulate stock and the SEC is on their ass like a fat chick on cake.

An old Bell helmet ad read, “ If you have a $10 head, wear a $10 helmet, for everything else, wear a Bell”.

I’m pretty sure he wasn’t saying he didn’t wear a helmet. He said shopping for the right helmet is hard, so a cheap and safe helmet that can be replaced often is a good idea.

As some also deaf in one ear (my right), all I can say is... he’s using it as an excuse for careless driving. I can hear trains blaring their horns at a road crossing more than a mile away from my house. He heard that train horn and attempted to rush the train to keep on schedule to avid whatever punishment Amazon

I’m looking for long form journalism, not a tweet.  

Would be a helluva’ article to read the backstories of how these cars ended up abandoned. Hint, hint.

You felt that the “traumatic family holiday” zinger wasn’t enough as a pithy photo caption, so you repeated the exact same phrase in the body of the article? Boy, this place has really gone to the dogs. 

That’s 78% of the entire population (including children). It’s well into the 90s for vulnerable populations.

Either this attorney thinks everyone is an idiot who will believe this hogwash about “criminal intent” or he’s the only attorney not to have understood a single thing in first year law.

what you have to understand about Conservatism in America is that its really just Neo-Fascism seeking to return America to the slave state of old where labor is oppressed and The Party has carte blanche to harass and eradicate all cultural outliers.

And add to that he was driving a vehicle that was capable (read: the emissions systems were intentionally altered) of rolling coal. That’s like he was carrying an unregistered hand gun that he was brandishing and then oops shot someone.