
Potentially unpopular opinion:

“If we didn’t win, why do you deserve to get paid? If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

It may not be fair, the nature of LA being what it is, and the latter’s elder sisters serving as precedents (rather than the homophone), and being that I recall what it’s like to be a strong-minded 17 year old and so forth...yet still I could not resist dusting this off.

Also, “no makeup” here clearly means “no makeup makeup”!

All tattoos are cheesy.

And no strategic posing either, or flattering lights. The intended message? “I *am* this beautiful.”

Moderately talented performer poses naked to garner some attention for her flagging career.

ok. what does she do besides talk about her body/body image? i’ve never seen her in anything.

no makeup, hmm?

Wasn’t there a black woman who eats furniture padding? I think she said she has eaten the equivalent of several sofas at this point.

i saw one where this black lady was eating a mattress.

Saw one this morning (a clip of the show, not the show itself) that was a black woman who ate rocks. Fucking ROCKS. My teeth and jaw ache just remembering that godawful sound ughh

Over the weekend I went to a concert with my bff and we could only sum it up in three words - “fuckin white people”

I used to fantasize about faking a pregnancy and taking mat leave.

she went out and appropriated a disability.

Sometimes, when I’m driving to work, I think that I’d rather have a disabling accident than live through another week of bullshit. Not the same thing? Okay, I have nothing to offer here. Bless it, as we say here.

White people, y’all gotta stop with this shit. Being oppressed and marginalized is NOT the business.


You know when proper gun laws will be put into place? When someone goes into congress and shoots half of them, while they’re in session. That’s unfortunately the only time these fuckers will care to do anything, is when their lives are under threat and they need to ensure it never happen again.