I mean shit, the Kylie one looks like she went to a doctor and said, “Make me into a Bratz doll.”
I mean shit, the Kylie one looks like she went to a doctor and said, “Make me into a Bratz doll.”
He loved the high school girls. He got older and they stayed the same age.
Mine was a quasi-hookup, but bear with me. These dudes who lived together in a house while attending college were close-knit so they had a “post-Christmas” in February, in one of the dudes’ ranch in the countryside. I was invited by my BFF, one of the dudes’ girlfriends, and I was newly single, so I went. There was…
Right after my divorce was final, I traveled back home for Christmas. A few old friends found out that I was in town and wanted to meet up for dinner and drinks.
Mutually inebriated “because we were there” sex with a friend. Might have gone much better if we hadn’t been next door to a couple that screamed and argued. Or either one of us had gotten off. Or if either one of us remembered it all the next morning. Or if it hadn’t made things super fuckin awkward between us.
Home for the holidays in 2009. Have recently completed my first college hookup. Am feeling accomplished and worldly. Decide to actually go to “the channel” aka a creek 20 min away from our hometown where my classmates drank in high school while I read and googled Expedia fares.
Trump’s DNA is like 98% the same as that spaghetti-o monstrosity, so yeah.
Britney Spears, of course.
If you had to listen to Britney Spears, Nsync, Spice girls, or 98 degrees songs and ONLY them for the rest of your life (you could never hear another song. Even every movie you saw would be a special version with their music dubbed in just for you) Which would you pick?
Despite Ricky Gervais??? You cray cray, he’s a great host!
despite Ricky Gervais
Yeah what is the hate on him about? I’m not a huge fan but he’s pretty good at hosting.
Don’t really care about the awards this year... but Ricky hosting? Hell yes! Get me a glass of wine and bring me joy, Ricky!
despite because of Ricky Gervais.
Yes, also think about Serena Williams and Beyonce. Both have legs to match the ass. Proportional! It drives me insane to see Khloe preaching that fitness got her this way.
How can you body shame a body that is fake?
Yeah exactly. Khloe lost a lot of weight yet somehow gained a bunch of fat in her butt? People are terribly gullible.
All of the people who believe that Kim and Khloe got their ass naturally or from exercises are the same people who thought Kylie got her big lips by just over lining her lips. If Khloe truly did get her butt from working out her legs would be rrrrripppped. You would be able to see the muscles popping out of her legs…
That’s what I hate about Jen Selter et al. Anyone that’s spent any time lifting even moderate amounts of weight knows you don’t grow an ass like that while simultaneously failing to achieve zero muscle definition literally anywhere else on your lower body. In Jen Selter’s case, she literally works at a plastic…