
That’s wonderful! It also makes me jealous because I’d love to meet her, too :(((((

I watched a couple of episodes and really liked it!

The hardest thing to have to explain to people was that their boss having favorites at work wasn’t illegal.


Only when they’re authentic! In my opinion, of course :D

Nah but her body looked weird before her kid, too. She got her first ass injection in like 2007-2008 and got the second one after the baby.

I honestly think that’s exactly what Kylie told her doctor!

Exactly. I don’t care if these jerks want to inflate their asses and suck fat out of their stomachs, get their noses done, get botox injections...I really don’t care. Just don’t fucking lie about it and act like working out at the gym is what gave you that figure. It didn’t. And it’s offensive that they really think

omg seriously

The war against christmas is waaaaaaaaay more damaging than date rape! duh.

LOL this is awful. I have to laugh at it.

Fuck, she’s so pretty.

Ooooooo you’re a superfan! I like that.

How funny, I just mentioned below that I’ve seen people use it backwards and it looks way more productive! Sweet.

Ugh thank you so much. I hope she is, too! I just adore her.

I would stop believing in love, in humanity, and in the goodness of people. Forever. Seriously.

body dysmorphia and veeeeery low self-esteem.

The biggest downfall, in my opinion, is that the elliptical allows you to do everything at your own pace. Unlike hitting 15 incline on the treadmill and not pressing pause, the elliptical lets you kinda dictate everything. However, I do sometimes see people doing it backwards, which I think might be more productive

*starred cuz you deserve it!

For real. “Bonus” child?!