I’m so glad to hear he’s nice in person! This is the ONE famous person I’d hate to hear is an asshole, aside from Mariska Hargitay.
I’m so glad to hear he’s nice in person! This is the ONE famous person I’d hate to hear is an asshole, aside from Mariska Hargitay.
The Rock...swoon. Always.
Dude yes! They always look so chill and, in some instances, smug. Like “Hey look at me! I’m working out and reading a book at the same time! Jealous?!”
It’s like she copied and pasted all of Instagram’s most awful inspirational quotes.
About ten years ago, I had a female friend who was quite heavy (fab figure though) and she asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with her one night. I hadn’t ever gone to the gym at that point and had no idea what to do. She claimed to be a gym rat, so she said she’d guide me.
Yeah, especially when you notice all their legs are super scrawny. If you’re putting THAT much effort in the gym, particularly on your lower half, your legs would get bigger. They really believe their own lies. It’s pathetic.
Kanye looks skinny-fat, and he’s also had liposuction in his stomach. So has Kim. It’s all bullshit.
Her message is to do whatever it takes to be your perfect self, even if you have to pay for it. So empowering!
Exactly. The elliptical is seriously the last resort at the gym, but certainly not a machine to use if you’re a self-proclaimed “gym rat.” This whole family is so full of shit, ahhhh
what a fucking douche canoe
She needs to stop pretending like she got that tumor ass from squats and deadlifts. She had fat transfers to make it bigger. You can tell by her IG “gym” posts that she doesn’t even use the correct form when doing squats, so it’s obvious that she fakes the fucking pictures.
Yeah because, well, at least from my experience, women tend to be more compassionate and sensitive to violence...so it’s weird when we get pleasure out of seeing an abuser get their just deserts. It takes a helluva story to get us to be like, “Oh yeah, he deserved that.”
I’m an equal opportunity offender, so I’d feel similarly if it had been a man being abused and raped and cheated on. However, I see where you’re coming from. I do wonder if perhaps it’s because men (generally) have always been in control of women and relationships. We hear more stories like this than the other way…
Yes, definitely! I think it helped prompt the stereotype that Latinas are fiery, temperamental firecrackers when provoked. Obviously it’s not true for all but...um yeah, definitely true for me.
this was so catchy!!
society has really fucked us up
And yes, I acknowledge that joking about it is morbid. I don’t think my mom and her friends ever really delved too deep into the case. Also, the 90s were a different time. People used to joke about OJ and Nicole, too. Nowadays we seem to be much more aware and sensitive to crimes and shit like that.
This isn’t just about cheating, though. He was abusive and raped her. If the shoe were on the other foot, I’d still understand why a person would snap.
I like your mom already!!