I’m glad you appreciated it! They’d usually joke about it at parties where alcohol was involved, though, so it all makes sense lol
I’m glad you appreciated it! They’d usually joke about it at parties where alcohol was involved, though, so it all makes sense lol
Holly Jameson’s story FUCKING KILLED ME. I laughed until I cried a little.
:) I always found it a bit morbid, but the details from their case are awful. He really did a number on her and she just snapped! My mom and her friends got a kick out of it, though.
“In one such incident a husband in the lakeside town of Kisumu chopped off his own penis after discovering that his wife had been seeing another man.”
I’m Ecuadorian (and Colombian) and my mom and all her friends used to joke about Bobbitt all the time when I was a kid. She was seen as a national hero* by women in Ecuador back in the 90s. Jokes mainly revolved around the idea that you don’t and should never fuck with an Ecuadorian woman’s heart unless you want your…
Yeah and she doesn’t try to look sexy while being a cop! She’s so awesome *sigh*
Nobody lives up to Olivia Benson. :(
Dude noooo, I appreciated the error! I was super into your comment and when I reached Annie Lennox I thought, “Annie Lennox!! Yaaasss!!” Our brains are hilarious. I feel like they troll us from time to time :)
^what paninisforeveryone said.
Cool, maybe we can have the next article asking us who we think is the smartest or funniest woman of all time! That’ll even it out.
I don’t know...I don’t take it that way (and I’m a feminist). I just know there are people - men and women - I find more physically attractive than others, and I don’t have a problem acknowledging that. However, just because they’re physically more desirable doesn’t mean they’re somehow better people. I don’t think…
she’s perfect from head to toe!
Society can’t escape physical attractiveness. Some people are more aesthetically pleasing than others, period.
oh sweet, she got her lips done
My picks are Elizabeth Taylor and Sophia Loren. Just spectacularly beautiful. Stunning. UGH
what the fuck man
I love the whole “child/grow up/your educators failed you” schtick some people use online, btw. Your rant made me laugh out loud, so thanks for the entertainment!