Yeah she has some serious body dysmorphia. What she’s done to her body and face is insane considering how naturally good she looked.
lmao Thanks! Seriously, I replied to two others like, “I’m sorry!! Damn it ahhh!!!”
Arrgghhhh...I replied to the very first person who made your point earlier today and acknowledged the error. lol I feel like that scene in Office Space when Peter has three different people tell him about his TPS reports.
Nope. They’ve had two in their history: Horatio Sanz and Fred Armisen who was only half.
Do people on Jezebel ever bother to read all the comments in a thread before replying? I replied to the very first person who corrected me by saying “FML!!” aka acknowledging the error.
Ugh! I feel you! I deleted my social media profiles a while back but I hated the stupid “ass-out” selfies or the memes from guys telling women to do squats.
I don’t have a flat ass BUT it’s definitely not bubble-esque and six months ago I started lifting weights and doing squats and deadlifts to help it out. Despite EVERYONE and their fucking mother telling me “OMG squats make your butt way bigger!!” my ass has only lifted and now has a more round shape...but…
Because some women 1) don’t want to work for a better butt and 2) want a bubble butt. Squats can’t make a flat ass a bubble butt, no matter how hard you work out. What will happen is the butt will lift and tighten, so you’ll have SOMEthing back there but it won’t look like Kim Kardashian’s ass, aka a giant tumor.…
We (Latinas) obviously don’t know, because some people come from Mexico without documents or whatever so it’s like we’re not even human AMIRITE?!
yeah going the “homophobic, animal abusing cheater” route was definitely jumping the gun.
So he never actually hurt an animal, right?
People are making fun of her because she’s an awful human being and tries to fight old age by pulling her skin tight enough to look like her daughter Kim.
Loved your last line.
Well yeah, no shit. But I think Ronda was specifically referring to lazy men who grab lube within 20 seconds of foreplay because they don’t want to spend time arousing a woman...based on what she said right before even mentioning lube.
I don’t think she had cancer survivors, women over 50, or sexual trauma victims in mind when she answered the question.
This has to be a joke.