Today, my friend sent me the link to this BSC movie reunion and I was like “Meh, the BSC tv show was way more legit. Give me THAT reunion.”
Today, my friend sent me the link to this BSC movie reunion and I was like “Meh, the BSC tv show was way more legit. Give me THAT reunion.”
Gwen just can’t be alone, eh?
It definitely depends on the person. I moved out at 20 but didn’t feel like an adult until 25. Now I’m 32 and 25 sounds so...ugh. Young. Not in a good way, either.
sweet jesus i am so happy i’m not under the age of 22 in 2015, and that i didn’t grow up as a teen in the 2010s.
Yup. Exercising is to keep your body fit and healthy, not to lose weight.
*slams head on keyboard*
She sued her college for discrimination like ten years ago because she was white.
“ can I look more ethnic today?”
Fuuuuck her. Fuck her! Ah, that’s all I can muster up. She’s trash.
I absolutely agree. It sounds completely ridiculous. I hear it a lot here (Los Angeles) and, being born and raised here as well, I have never adopted that accent. I don’t get it. I don’t get why some people talk like that. Even people I know who were born and raised in the valley don’t talk like that! I’ve read some…
The gals I mentioned definitely play it up (particularly Britney). If it’s your natural voice, obviously you can’t help it...but you can tell who exaggerates it for the sake of sounding “cute.”
Oh yeah, Miley, too. I dig it. I hate the squeaky high-pitched bullshit the likes of Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears and the Kardashians put out. It sounds incredibly contrived.
I feel that way about Selena Gomez!
I have grown to hate Power 106 with such a passion ever since Big Boy left the morning show. The new crop of boneheads ruling the airwaves are so beyond fucking ignorant.
Thanks for clarifying! :)
^just came here to say that (re: black people/African-Americans). Especially since not every black person is African American. But hey, what do we people of color know right lolz
Boyle Heights has changed A LOT since I grew up there. It’s actually getting gentrified, slowly but surely. Soto street was AWFUL in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s and yes, it was super ghetto. Lincoln Heights (close by) is still shitty and hasn’t been cleaned up yet, though.
Latina born and raised in East Los Angeles. Ever been to Boyle Heights? Go fuck yourself.
Oh did you think I wasn’t from the hood then? Is that why it pissed you off?
You just called a woman of color who grew up in the ghetto a racist. Welcome to Jezebel, I guess LOL