
A lot of the Mexican networks specifically still have this issue. I don’t know when they’ll stroll on in to the 21st century, but this shit’s gotta stop.

How could the producers not jump in and punch that douche in the jaw?! Ugh! This was disturbing.

who the fuck said the word “slutwalk” offended me?

oh hell fucking no

I feel you. I like her. She seems like a nice person and I’d definitely hang out with her every once in a blue moon to have some happy hour drinks. However, I also don’t understand how she’s all of a sudden become the patron saint of modern feminists. She says she doesn’t want to be known as just an ex...fine, that’s

Yeah, she hosted it. But she makes it seem like she created it. That’s where I have a problem.

It seems like it’s frowned upon to criticize any woman for any reason. I’ve known about the SlutWalk for a while and it’s fine and dandy for her to lend her name to the cause, but she didn’t do shit. She didn’t invent shit. She participated and should have kept it just like that.

I still can’t believe she claims that SlutWalk is hers.

I feeeeeel you

Therapy would help, too!

This is a classic case of her opinion being shaped by the choices she’s made in her love life and surrounding herself with the same caliber of guys. I’ve known more women to cheat than men, surprisingly. I know it’s definitely not a gender-specific flaw. It’s silly of her to tout it as a fact.

She seems nice, but some of the things she says make me sad because they’re

But if they don’t use emojis, how can others see that they’re really sad? :(

So many LULZ at thinking I was a dude this whole time. Oh god the delusion is so real. Thanks for the laughs at work today! My office was way less quiet thanks to you. I can see why you’re so popular with the boyz.

Um, I’m not a lesbian but great job assuming bruh.

Is your self-worth okay, though? Basing your attractiveness on how often you “get laid” sounds kind of sad. I’d hate to think I was hot just because I get laid often. Eek.

lulz tl;dr


If I’m a douche for describing an obnoxious fat girl as “fat,” then so be it. It’s Jezebel, I get it.

Okay, she was a fat brunette girl. I think she was also Latina. Not too sure though. And yes, it was still hilarious because her dress hardly fit and her ass cheeks were hanging out. It looked awful but she reeeeeally needed the attention so she showed up half naked to a party.