Hot Takes Salesman

Nah. They’ll start building a new moon halfway there and use that to claim all of space around it.

Also, by now the flag would probably be white if it’s still there, so everyone will think it was actually the French who were there first.

They’ll land. Claim it as their own. Set up military and use it as a threat to the rest of the world

I’ll second this. Make it static or put it on the side bar.

I can’t keep quiet about this anymore.

BMW: We stopped making the 6 coupe but started making the 6 Crosstour, oh and by the way...

You misspelled “wreck”.

FWIW most Focus RS buyers opt for the RS2, granted this is a small sample size but I’ve personally helped about 10 people get into a Focus RS, I think only one of them didn’t want the RS2.

“Same as it ever was.”

The United States only has 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Art is something you feel in your mind, not necessarily in your hands. Like the steering feedback in modern BMW’s.

Logan Lucky

Did you just fucking reply to yourself?

Those poor tires. He finally got a hole in one.