Hot Takes Salesman

This will covfefe the hell out of its enemies

In 1987 Bill Elliot set a qualifying record of 212.229mph at Talladega. The car he was driving had somewhere around 665hp. The reason the cars haven’t gotten faster is the use of restrictor plates to limit their power and top speed.

Jason vs. mosquito.

Yeah—until both McLaren cars can finish a race, I’m not going to get my hopes up that they’ve escaped terribleness. Every time I do, those hopes get elbow-dropped by whichever marshal is pushing the busted car behind the wall!

“Draw me like one of your Accord Coupes”

For a successful day, just stare at this off-road racing AMC Pacer for 30 seconds, while breathing.

Let’s decode this:

yes...yes....go on

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Porsche 911R the Wingless? I thought not. It’s not a story the GT3 owners would tell you. It’s a collector’s legend.

“You were the chosen one! You were suppose to bring balance to the Porsche!”

Why would they be mad? In 20 years, there are still only going to be a few true 911R’s and there will probably be thousands of GT3's with the X90 package. The R will still hold its value because it is the real deal original car. The car that started the trend and forced Porsche to create a whole options package

Great, rub salt in the wound

let me bring this right to the top of the comments

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo

Hint: do you wonder why people make excuses to end conversations with you at parties?

“cars aren’t alive and don’t have personalities.”

^Hint: Get that blasphemy out of here.

(Hint: You may be on the wrong website.)

Cotdamn, that has to be the most perfectly outfitted Porsche I’ve ever seen. The color, interior, wheels...everything is just right