Hot Takes Salesman

Well, it certainly looks a helluva lot better and more interesting than Covenant ever did. Scott should maybe stick to just producing the sequels to his films.

Clearly, if he did a Drunk History, he would have to recount the time when George Washington, down on his luck pre-war and post-partum, gathers his closest friends to drive to Orlando Disney but end up in Los Angeles circa 1942 (February of course) to inadvertently start the Battle of Los Angeles when he and his buds

This is the greatest DLC any game can ever hope to want to release, and Papyrus nailed it.

It’s a crazy story. We were within about one week from the tour (one of our members was flying in from England, so it was just a liiiiitle important to have a ride). Meanwhile, my wife and I had been leasing an Impreza. So I took the Impreza back to the dealership, told them I wanted to upgrade to an Outback. Got

They are running 9 degrees more rear wing, and balancing it out with the front wing, than a typical qual setup. They also have a .125" wing gurney on, down from .250" from this morning, but you will not have gurney on for qualifying. There are also gurneys on the exit of the underwing, probably .100" to .125" due to

That’ll get comment of the year

This unprecedented COTD move came too late for one D.B. Pooper.

I would say this car is perfectly safe at posted speed limits, so dodge can sue for libel.

This is what Mercedes-Benz calls “color” for the 2017 S-Class. Only five almost-indistinguishable blacks to pick from? This palette looks like the rainbows you see in the People’s Republic of Imgonnafuckingkillmyselfistan.

The title makes me think of that video of the people trying to load a Civic into the back of a truck. “WHY DID YOU TURN”

If it be my legacy, I accept.

This may be the best 8 letters you’ve ever typed.

D.B. Pooper

Making Deckard a replicant guts that story of any real soul.

My grandfather was stationed in the pacific. Since I was not there I can not say what the conditions of the environment were, but he said the fighting was quite close quarters, being on islands, and that the Japanese were masters of hiding the brush until you were nice and close, waiting for a good moment to ambush

It’s funny, I’ve heard the same thing from other people, but then there are others who say it’s baloney, since at distance and over the sound of combat the enemy wouldn’t have been able to hear it.

My grandfather was a marine during WW2, and till the day he died he had nothing but praise for the M1 Garand, and he would talk about how it saved his life thanks to how reliable it was.

However, he said the ping was a huge downside. The enemy figured out the sound meant you had used your last bullet, so it could be a