Hot Takes Salesman

Can I get paid to write shit like this?


Dude looks like an anime villain in that flip from every single again.


I wonder how much more it would cost to sell a fleet option button-dial interior and a touchpad option. Probably far more expensive in production cost to attempt.

The lights and stupidly large rear exhausts are great. A full fake rectangular grille on the back of the car though... pls no

This is now a Kimi meme thread


God, what a horrible idea. Why can’t we just have our beautiful 500 horse NA car?

I think Tyler Rogoway posted it first a long time ago but it’s always a good laugh

That kind of ordnance failure downed one of the F-14 prototypes- the pilot jokes that he shot himself down.

I like it a lot for no particular reasons.

I’m a bernaise or butter kinda guy.

So it’s BMW’s Lexus LC500.

Well, the Navy’s better, so.

You communist idiots.

It’s probably sold out already.

Good to see that there’s another happy ending, despite of all the years it’s taking off of David’s lifespan.

If it’s in the right place in the game and not front-and-center. COD WW2 went for the “colorful and unique oh boy tee hee look at me” character design and I hated it, and that might be what this game does for no apparent reason

I can’t tell what the fuck is going on, other than that they tried to go for the “colorful cast of characters” thing that looks so terrible in CoD WW2.