Hot Takes Salesman

So it’s CoD WW2, but Battlefield. Don’t they know we wanted BF1 but in World War 2, not this cosplay Tarantino shit?

Fixed that for ya. Insert any car here.

$130k wagon. Jesus.

Doesn’t take much soy to not like a retarded stance on a car.

The SS is a later generation of Holden than the G8, so with Pontiac gone they sold the new ones here as Chevys.

I’m rooting for William as well, because Ed Harris kicking ass does not get old on this show. Fuck yeah.

Damn it, I only bought MGSV a month or two ago for the memes.

Fuck everyone at BMW.

Well, one woman trying to turn herself brown is probably better than a whole continent (thanks migrant crisis!)

I hate this cover with every fiber of my being. May a biblical plague befall basically anyone even remotely involved with it existing.

It’s interesting how it’s actually real but in person looks massively fake. I saw it at NYIAS before reading this and was like “holy mother of fake grilles wtf”

I saw it as a kid and liked it. Maybe not entirely loved it. But at that age I loved Cars, too, so evidently kid-me would not have Torchinsky as a fan.

The only correct take in this hellhole of a thread.


The face of the ‘15 always looked bland, disinterested, and disinteresting to me. The ‘18's face and especially lights looks much better imo.

posts $30,000 discount on a recent car

Well, that’s John Oliver’s whole schtick- whiny liberalism disguised as high-school-level “comedy”.

I mean, that HBO movie about Bernie Madoff had some pretty batshit sequences in it too. I think they’re on a roll.

There’s a ghost of a good sarcastic joke somewhere in that comment.