Hot Takes Salesman

That about answers it lol

Damn you, Orlove, you’ve made a COTD bait article again.

that claims the post-1988 record at Laguna Seca is just a hair over 1:10 in an Acura ARX-01b race car.

And they didn’t put the driver in the middle F1-style? I guess it would’ve taken too much modification. Woulda been cool tho

Aaaaand it’s dead. RIP in pieces.

Even the trailer scared the shit outta me.

Family Reunification Tent

“I’m thinking we can expect to see some powerhouses in the Crotchtangle this year, Bob.” “Well Mark, I’m putting a lot of weight behind new challenger Salami Blessing, but he might face a serious upset against #2, Jimbob Ghostkeeper, a perennial high-runner.”

Well, there’s a difference between a terrorist organization and a group of fuckin’ idiots. PETA is still the latter.

I thought this was the car, not just a concept. Well done. I hope Lincoln makes a shitton of money off of this.

Yeah, but Doug DeMuro is Our Guy.

I’m convinced this thing is trying it’s hardest to kill you, but I don’t think it can try hard enough.

I like it better than the current M3, I think.

So, uh, just get a Trackhawk?

I take pride in that status

This is a correct take.

Of course, it’s important to realize these are weapons of war, and thus, you know, less more cool.

I knew I was fucked.

My take is that they’re all morally ambiguous if not on the dark side of the gray, being large self-interested corporations that support government regulation on the little guys.