Hot Takes Salesman

I just hate Fallon because he’s unfunny and smug, but to each their own.

is this a copypasta or am I having a stroke

“Your initial scathing review of the Allante to me isn’t classy, its quite the opposite an affront to class and its probably the reason why you run this ‘fun’ event”

Move along folks, we’ve had a requisite McMike shop. Your COTD is his now.

I’d probably need to be drunk to enjoy watching golf.

If it doesn’t kill you first.

with blandly evocative names like Compass, Liberty, Patriot, and Commander

The engine bay of the Vantage, so says Becker, is large enough to fit the DB11's V12

Right well I can’t actually drive a race car so I’m going to go with the racing driver’s opinion on this one.

but another source cast some doubt on the report.

HOT TAKE- It’s a Regera with the weirdness factor in the seat layout instead of the drivetrain.

Or just a Heckler and Koch?

it’s the end of this thread as we know it

I hope Cadillac sells a billion XT4's so I don’t have to see these ugly fuckers.

0-62 mph times and top speeds aren’t relevant here though

I saw one at a real airshow and from 300 feet above your head the thing sounds wonderful.

I saw the New Yorker cartoonist episode and thought it was alright, but there’s an episode of THE GILLES? must watch

God dammit, we were already a fan of the guy.

the House of Rolls-Royce