Hot Takes Salesman

Save us, Based Mustache Man!

I mean seriously, in our lives, we might be cool, but we’ll never be “shaving to a mohawk and them jumping out of a plane to shoot Nazis” cool.


That car has got me on my knees.

How do you manage to hit a rally car with a huge wing and fenders and everything? Does that just slip by some people’s attention span or does-

It’s funny how NISMO makes a show of the road cars and then fucks over ESM by sending them their DPi right before Christmas so that they can barely get any testing in.

Save us Saint Mattis.

Holy fucking mother of bad branding. Nobody would fucking know what the hell that is. Those wings though, those are timeless.

For you.

The fire rises!

Oh please don’t get Group B’d this early...

You might need a better screen cap for the source image.

Well, if an alone Zebra shark can do it, then surely the Jezebel writers doing the same can pull it off.

The rear wing on this and on the Camaro is so blatantly early 2000's I can’t even.

I doubt it. Republicans, and their constituents, are far less homophobic than they’re made out to be.

White voters, at the end the day, decided that the progress of the last eight years was enough.

Certainly not because the Democrats were running a candidate with none of the charisma and ten times the baggage as Obama. Oh ceerrrrrrtainly not.

That name and that logo, holy shit.

I’ll probably be at the NYIAS for the third time on the trot this year, so I’ll report on how amazing the Dodge section is. Protip- it’s always awesome.

“‘I’ve never cared much about two consenting adults and who they go to bed with,’ Mattis said, which is a nice thing to say, but is neither an acknowledgement of the colossal failure of the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, nor could it be much when it comes to people like incoming Vice President Mike Pence, who