Norm Charlatan

Free returns for a year.

Imagine Perfect Strangers, except this time uptight Larry goes to Greece and he also has a noted premature ejaculation problem.

Dom, please stop piling on. Show some MRSA.

Not surprising that Jordan Patterson would want to mow down a volcel like Tebow.

Or the Continental Basketball Association.

He will be playing in the Australian pro league as a member of the New Zealand Breakers.

I would have put Howard Schultz as Kenny Linder, since every time he makes a public statement he’s beaten within an inch of his life.

He was on his “Worst Behavior.”

I’m holding out for the rarer Billy Ripken “Fuck face” signed Gacy painting. 

I’ve been calling NBC Sports for weeks. They kept showing Hurricanes instead of the goddamn Hartford Whalers games.

Just like the Mortgage Crisis, the 2016 White Sox are another example of moral hazard.

I believe the technical term for a Butt Doktor is a Proktologist.

Just another egregious example of how replay is ruining the game. Back in the day, the fan would have been allowed to keep watching uninterrupted.

Should have been you, Bill Kristol. 

Courtney Smith was also at the school to pick up the kids, and Zach “was not to pick up their children until after 6 p.m.,” presumably not from the school.

I’m surprised by Trump’s interpretation on this. The darker horse won, but then after an appeal on technical grounds, the judicial system declared the lighter colored horse - far less qualified according to oddsmakers - the winner. You’d think Trump would be on board.

Kim Mulkey’s grimace at the sight of a fast food spread for the Baylor Women’s Basketball team’s visit to the White House is worth a thousand words.

The memo’s smug conclusion, clearly based in Logic and Facts, frames the failure of the Rockets to hit any of 27 straight threes, and the failure of Chris Paul’s hamstring to stay healthy, as less significant than those 81 disputed calls.

Oh sure, you celebrate this guy.

I mean, they do get to play the Bills, Dolphins, and Jets 2x a year.