He tops the FBI’s Top-10 Most Inscrutable List.
He tops the FBI’s Top-10 Most Inscrutable List.
C’mon Woj, use “conscript,” it’s right there at the top of the thesaurus entry.
“We must learn to live together as brothers or Parrish together as fools.”
3 million Rubles ($47,000)
As long as all of the punches were thrown underhand, no rules were broken.
Even if he’d lost his voice, he’d still be better than John Strong.
The whitest part of this story is that the lawyer bought the ticket on Expedia.
At this point, I genuinely don’t know what it’ll take for Pruitt to resign
Not surprising that they’re friends. The past couple years of offensive line play have demonstrated that Carroll also doesn’t believe in safe spaces.
I have a hard time believing the Patriots would employ anyone capable of committing such a heinous crime for so many years.
I don’t believe that a guy who eschews microwaves would avail himself of a convenient appliance like a dishwasher.
Hopefully we can get Cowherd and Bayless behind the paywall next.
In recent years, both the Washington Post and the New York Times eliminated their Ombudsman role in recognition that the position had outlived its usefulness, largely because of the rise of real-time feedback of all kinds.
How many references does Gammons make to samurai or bushidō (the samurai code)?
I dare you to find me someone more self-righteous and dead inside than a higher education administrator. At least the vampire capitalists are honest about their intentions.
Recall how Peyton Manning used to yell “Oklahoma!” and all that shit before he snapped the ball.
Nadal knows this is all God’s Plan.
Reid’s claims are baseless. The Bengals organization has always cared about the public behavior of its players.
Ben Simmons’s shooting is Grizzly, Man.