Hopefully they don’t shoot themselves in the leg with this acquisition.
Hopefully they don’t shoot themselves in the leg with this acquisition.
we’ll update with his condition, but it’s safe to assume he’s got a concussion at the very least.
I understand some people don’t like the Canada goose. That’s just dumb on its face.
Shit, that’s nothing. In Amsterdam, they have an entire sex district.
punch a drunk fan at the stadium because he said :Your mother’s a whore!”
Probably explains why the NFL keeps the combine in Indiana every year.
Having kids really changes your own understanding of yourself. A lot of the progress I’ve made in therapy has been the result of thinking about being a good parent and realizing some aspect of my own childhood was fucked.
As part of the promotion, Austin Rivers will bumble around the court in solidarity.
“Dad is a genius. I will never compare to him. I hope he loves me.” - Don Jr.
He’s referring to how all of the Russian athletes got to compete after all.
We get it man, you went to college. Stop rubbing it in our faces.
This is the wrong thread. We’re not talking about bats, we’re talking about balls.
This type of authentic fan engagement explains why the MLS will never be a world class league.
I mean, he did buy an Italian soccer team.
Sassuolo has hired Roger Clemens to represent them in negotiations.
Talk about circling the wagons.
With the Trump Organization seemingly on its way out of the property, many of the staff are unsure if they’ll have a job in the coming days or weeks.
Obviously Reid has a complicated mac and cheese recipe. He’s struggled for years with the two-minute recipe.
“How can someone who went to Brown be racist?”
“You’re with me, black leather.”