Norm Charlatan

Sorry, man. Pobody’s nerfect.

LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.

You fail to mention that in Australia, the horses run clockwise around the track.

I recall reading a profile of Hamilton a few years back (I want to say in the New Yorker) in which they explained how he was forced to spend X number of days per year bored out of his mind in Switzerland for tax purposes. So I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised by this.

When you’re trying to lose, winning is losing.


Wouldn’t Chobani yogurt also increase his calcium intake?

Taylor Swift really is Barbra Streisand of her generation.

Man, I miss Obama.

“Attica! Attica!” - Texans locker room if they signed Kaep, as envisioned by Bob McNair

All I Really Need to Know I Learned at Deion Sanders’s Prime Prep Academy.

Barry, can you reduce your argument to a character or plot development from the 1990 film, Goodfellas? This is the only way I can understand football.

Hopefully Cam can find a couple of receivers who will “never let go” of the damned ball.

Thoughts and prayers to Blair Walsh.

It took 39 years for Sage Rosenfels to earn the title his parents bestowed him at birth.

The rule is the Jags can’t have nice things.

I prefer my sports where players intimidate the opposing team by carrying around large wooden bats, from a completely different sport, to symbolize the metaphor of “bringing the wood” while they warm-up on the field before the game.

Goodell is going to feel so special when he learns that no one else’s phones are filled with gumballs.

No surprise that Referee Jeb Bush’s out there trying to soften up the game.

I wanna see you sticking your hands up these guys asses and workin’ ‘em like a fuckin’ puppet!