Norm Charlatan

The adult with visitor’s jersey, cap, baseball glove, and what appear to be jorts who finally got the ball is still preferable to Zack Hample. Plus, he can probably distinguish between real home runs and batting practice home runs or balls otherwise just thrown to him before the game.

This is just a long justification for when someone asks why he doesn’t kneel for the anthem.

Goddamnit, now I have to choose between supporting the NFL and supporting Trump.

Maybe they just felt sorry for him after the Super Bowl.


Goddamnit, just write the damn pages already.

CTE will soon be the new climate change.

Jesus died doing the opposite of taking a knee. He was suspended in the air from a cross.

Better not tell this guy about Brexit.

Hockey players really are tougher than everyone else. Most games he may have to kneel for twice the number of anthems as his NFL counterparts.

I’m pretty sure someone named Dr. Death would be even more at home in Las Vegas.

The unwritten rules against the best fans in baseball. Who ya got?

Villaneuva is as old school football guy as it gets. He’s playing it both ways.

This is what Big Mac would be today, now that Andro is on the banned substance list (well, hopefully without the racism).

Cut this guy a break. He’s just economically anxious.

“And even if they could, they wouldn’t vote for me.” - Donald Trump (probably)

Maybe leaving the Knicks has changed ‘Melo after all. He’s even looking to help distribute.

As an elementary school teacher once told our class, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


Screw you, Redford! I will continue to use Pat Tillman as I patriotically rock out to Springsteen’s “Born in the USA!”