“Per agreement with the NFLPA, I am a law and order expert.” - Roger Goodell
“Per agreement with the NFLPA, I am a law and order expert.” - Roger Goodell
If you drowned off the coast of Delaware, would there be better tax advantages for your body being discovered on the shore or floating in international waters?
the person playing Kaepernick was Christopher Reid, also known as Kid from Kid ‘n Play
Bah gawd, that’s Sam Hinkie’s music!
Veterinary neurology is a niche field. I assume the League wrapped up its probe because it didn’t want to shell out the money for a second opinion.
This isn’t really fair to the Dolphins. The Bucs will be coming off a bye in week 10 and will have two weeks to prepare.
Evidently the Honduran Soccer Association is aware that games should be played in as hostile conditions as possible for the visiting team. Maybe they can inform someone at US Soccer about this.
Oh, what a tangled Webb we weave when first we practice to receive.
“We’re the only people allowed to profit off your kids.” - Mark Emmert
Or even supplies and aid hand-delivered by Curt Schilling.
“I’ve had it with these public sector unions and their politics.” - consistent/non-existent conservative voter
Schilling was probably the first person to retweet some conservative meme about Sean Penn struggling to deliver relief supplies by canoe to folks in Haiti.
The older I get, the less I care about [any subject], but I do care about merit, and things being seen for what they are.
Osweiler certainly has what it takes to be a QB on an NFL roster. He’s so tall that even if he knelt for the National Anthem, most fans would think he was still standing up.
I haven’t seen an owner act this entitled toward a player since Marge Schott.
Plus someone else has to worry about entertaining my goddamn kids all day.
The Phillies are way ahead of the Mariners in the waiver order, as they’re terrible and the Mariners are their usual good enough to inspire enough hope to sell a few tickets but aren’t going to make the playoffs.
I, for one, find Magic Johnson’s twitter feed profoundly enlightening.
Hey man, gotta keep it pure for your second wife, who already has a kid by another dude.
The best part of the Seahawks’ recent success is how Boeing has spent millions of dollars adopting the team as its own. Now all these blind Seahawks fans talk about their love for a company that has done everything in its power to screw over the region and move jobs to right-to-work states. They’re rooting for their…