Norma Jean Monster

Oh fuck off you self serious, sanctimonious prick.

What is so horribly offensive about seeing somebody riding a bike or walking a dog? Who thinks that way? What in earth is wrong with you?

I have no idea what it is but that is a strong title regardless.

I probably am harsher than some about the last 2 or 3 seasons but I absolutely hated the last season especially.
Overall, I loved the first season, really really loved season 2, liked the 3rd a lot, liked 4 less, tolerated 5, strongly disliked 6 and hate-watched 7 feeling like a battered junkie husk of humanity who

I'm jealous. I wish I would have learned that I could quit watching shows before I wasted several hours on the last 3 seasons of SOA.
Luckily, i did learn that lesson in time to drop out of TWD.

That's some Leonard Cohen style deep lyrical shit right there.

They're recording a full album cover of 'Atomizer', but only their fan club will have access to it at first

Only if Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk is involved.

If George Clinton has taught me anything in the hundreds of hours I have spent listening to Parliament and Funkadelic, it is that one thing funk should never, ever, ever, ever, ever be is subtle.

Our glorious leaders do not need to hide behind any façade.
Oh fantastic leaders are done with flakes, jerks, and significant others who have run their course.
Praise our leaders for their lack of cynicism.

I liked their last album and have nothing against these women, but this review reads like a cult recruitment.

Wouldn't it just be 'Transon' ?

Ewww, that's dumb. I'm gonna pretend it's the Moses thing.

So what does 4:44 mean? Is it a Moses Malone reference? Fo Fo Fo?
I don't have Tidal so probably won't hear this for a while, but I do love NBA history.

I really like that one too, seems like it is somewhat overlooked.

They say if you remember the 60s you weren't there…
I was born during the Carter administration so I really wasn't there, and yet those blowhard boomers have fetishized and trademarked every tiny aspect of that overblown decade so thoroughly that I somehow remember it anyway.
Point being, I guess the saying is right, I

I'm no advocate for violence or anarchy, but I also wouldn't lose any sleep if we started lining our streets with the headless gibbeted bodies of the rich. We could create a lot of new jobs by hiring folks to chase off the crows and other vermin attracted by the rotting corpses, not to mention the huge uptick in jobs

Hate them back. It works for me. I'm not the most peaceful of liberals, I threatened to cut my idiot racist uncle's throat this past Thanksgiving and headbutted one of his moron spawn when they intervened.

Dammit, I thought this was a hardcore coprophilia site.

Especially if we are taking about a show where they go acoustic/electric and have the New Riders opening.