Norma Jean Monster

“Horse soldiers”? They’re called “centaurs,” you racist.

Yup. Overpopulation and birth control. The elephant in the room no one is willing to address because religion.

So anyone who has had a consensual adult relationship, without the knowledge of their pledged partner, is no better than a pedophile? Ok, got it, you’re an idiot. Noted.

Just to be clear, his having consensual sex with an age-appropriate woman, albeit his subordinate, voids his ability to speak out about a far more contemptible act - the rape of a child?

I think it was to look shame the mistress. Which is poor form regardless and especially crass under this article. I could be wrong but that’s the vibe I’m getting here.

Your standard bullshit again of nothing being enough. Fuck off would you kindly.

If you have an argument to make, make it yourself. I can post other people’s ideas from youtube too. I can guarantee anything you say will be more coherent than moviebob.

Exactly what I’ve been saying since day 1. “The Last Jedi” is a pretty flawed movie (when we went out of the theater me and my friend’s reactions were something along the lines of “Well, alright then... I guess this happened”), but it’s got literally nothing to do with “liberals/Disney ruining Star Wars”. It was just

It’s ghostbusters reboot all over again. Legit criticisms of a deeply flawed work being overshadowed by alt right screaming about feminization. And providing those on the other side with an easy way to delegitimize criticism. Which only amplifies the voices of people who shouldn’t be speaking in the first place.


Chirrut absolutely has force abilites. Abilities honed over his decades long life. he probably would have been a jedi were it not for the empire. Also, he gets killed by a storm trooper who makes a lucky shot. Either he’s a capable force user, a pawn being actively controlled by the force itself, or he’s a crazy old

Well, Cameron’s statement about how a director really isn’t told about on set drama is pretty accurate. Hell, I’ve only done some student films but it takes up 100% of your brain to do that kind of job and its generally the job of assistant directors and other crew people to deal with this thing.

Thank you for bringing to my attention this shitty thing I would’ve otherwise easily avoided! Although- bear with me here- have you ever considered doing the opposite of that, and maybe turning back into a competent pop culture site that points out things that are actually worth watching, rather than just continuing

Who cares? Why did you publicize this?

Well at least they got one thing right. Poe is a garbage person. He is the Star wars holiday special of star wars characters. more specifically the section where all the wookies speak to each other for 15 minutes with no subtitles.

Oh god right? Seriously let’s be real. Droids have no rights and they can fly ships. Sure they’re not going to be better than a good human pilot as demonstrated by movies 1~3, but you don’t need to be a good pilot when you’re moving so fast your target has no hope of dodging you.

a lot of people hated the movie for a much simpler reason: It had too many competent women in positions of power

I’m sure women can probably fuck things up like us if we just give them the opportunity. Women can do anything.

Thank you for keeping tabs on what “some creep” is doing. I know we were all wondering but not all of us have the time to follow “some creep” and report on all of his important work. 

Most of all, however, a rising population increasing at a rate of 4.5 percent a year creates a strain on the finite water supply.

I was joking about objectifying the dad, but I'm not joking about this: you're a fucking moron.