Norma Jean Monster

Good list, and while i agree that any '77 dead show should be great, I would much rather see them in any year from 70-74 than the real early stuff. Although, I suppose that the Acid Test setting would be an experience.

Fuck you and your mother.

Fuck off.

You're still not in your hole. Bad fucktard!

Get back in your hole fucktard.

This is true. My dogs would never say anything judgemental when I would fall off the wagon and snort drugs in front of them-unlike those pesky human friends: "Oh we're worried about you"; "You should get help"….blah blah blah.

There is no heaven and there are no souls. However, if there were, dogs would have the biggest and best souls and would be very first in line at the pearly gates. This is not open for debate.

Does B W T stand for Big Wall Time?

Finally, some news that makes sense!

I'm so old I still have the cd.

Earth people, New York and California
Earth people, I was born on Jupiter

I subscribe to The New Yorker and I intend to watch the NBA playoffs all weekend. I truly am a land of contrasts.

I walked out of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow because the way it was shot made me feel like I was carsick and about to have a seizure at the same time. I fell asleep during some crappy "my kid disappeared but I know he's not dead and I'm not crazy even though I am obviously fucking crazy" movie starring

You are a know nothing asshole.

Punch them, you'll feel better.

I'm not an actor, but it seems to me that playing oneself would be somewhat more difficult to pull off successfully-it would be tempting to try and hide one's less attractive qualities and more shameful ticks and peccadillos; whereas it would be possible to cut loose and lose oneself when disappearing into a different

Nah, the white chocolate ones are still the worst.

I generally agree with most of this shirt, excepting Nugent and Lenny Kravitz .

Pobody's nerfect

"I'm A Believer in Overkill"