
I’m somewhat and amused and slightly surprised by the reactions to this episode. For one, I’ve been waiting for Dany to turn full evil for years now, and her turn here didn’t surprise me at all. In fact, they writers have been building up to this moment since at least last season when Dany executed the Tarly’s.

This is no different a cultural milestone than when Star Wars first came out. So yeah, it is something we might tell our kids/grandkids etc. 

Pike’s vision of his accident falls inline with what we know. During the vision you can clearly hear the computer say “Radiation leak detected, training excercise aborted.”

Pike isn’t get his radiations burns anytime soon. That happens a number of years from now during a training accident. Said training accident was clearly shown during this episode, during Pike’s “vision” you can hear the computer saying “Radiation leak detected, training excercise aborted.”

I feel as if there are almost two different Elon Musks. The self-obsessed crazy man in charge of Tesla and who posts weird, absurd, and sometimes offensive things on Twitter. Then you’ve got Elon Musk, the head of SpaceX. SpaceX is fucking amazing, they have revolutionized the aerospace industry in ways not seen since

Yes, hence the very first line of my post: “I’m beginning to think the AV CLUB in GENERAL is just unfit to review anything.” (emphasis added)

Haven’t heard of that one. Well have to check it out!

No mention of the excellent 2003 Superman: Red Son mini-series? This “Red Daughter” (and there is a reason they went with Red Daughter...) arc has more than a passing resemblance to that story.

In other news, “Old man yells at cloud.” But, in all seriousness, I’m struggling to fully grasp the point of this rant (and I don’t appear alone in this). There appears to be two competing thoughts:

Except HBO had been in existence since 1972... So it’s first original programming didn’t come until 25 years later. And it’s first true hour was anther 2 years after that. Compare that to Netflix - founded in 1997, somewhat ironically, with is first original program being the critically acclaimed and popular House of

Mmm, Zabars... Best babka around (and chocolate all the way!)

There is zero anger on my part, just utter confusion at this reviewers (and other AV reviewers) ineptitude at actually reviewing things.

Not mad at all, just utterly confused by the ineptitude of the AV Club reviewers. 

Because they express positive opinions about Discovery? If you think those who like Discovery aren't worth your time, why torture yourself and continue to watch a show you obviously hate?

I’m beginning to think the AV Club in general is just unfit to review anything. They gave Captain Marvel a C and Batman v Superman a C-. Seriously, in what universe is Batman v Superman 1.) only a minus less than Captain Marvel (a legitimately fun and enjoyable movie, if not Marvel’s best) and 2.) How did it even get

My g0d this website...gonna just link to some reviews from people who are actually Star Trek fans.

I liked the idea behind “All the World is Birthday Cake,” but the execution was clunky as hell - with so many painful plot holes and obvious questions not being asked (different planets have different constellations!). Plus, the escape plan by Bortus and Grayson involved the straight up murdering of a number of

It was actually mentioned in the pilot episode that the Union Fleet consists of about 3000 ships - so we definitely only saw a fraction of that.

While this episode was definitely a weak spot thus far, it would be really nice to have a reviewers who at least pretends to like the show.

Looks good, but I do find it odd that a movie entitled Rocketman doesn’t actually include “Rocketman” in the trailer...