
Company who sells a very often deadly mind-altering drug making commercials which imply that the very often deadly mind-altering drug they sell may give you some kind of special powers?

Yeah. I've got no problem with people who choose to get pets instead of have kids. Go for it. Knock yourselves out. The less people reproducing, the better.

No way in hell will I vote for her. I might vote Democrat if they put up Elizabeth Warren, but they won't, as both of the major parties are now sold so far down the river to corporate interests it's not even funny.

when he discovered a picture of his mother stuffing dollar bills into a dancer's man-panties—claims that 85-year-old Bernice Youngblood was "confused and bewildered as to why a muscular, almost nude man, was approaching her and placing his body and limbs, over [her]."

Joel Osteen's "Megachurch" in Houston was robbed in March. The thieves stole $600,000 from the church's safe.

Why an entire article criticizing a woman's weight issues? Why?


You seem to be having fun with that. I say go with it!

You not believing something is OK with me.

What are you even talking about?

But that's not what was said.

You're going to have to back up the claim that people being dumb and inconsiderate about your dietary choices is some kind of cultural marginalization.

except i DO get fat off of carbs without protein.

"meat culture" is a thing?

Comparing the plight of women under the patriarchy to vegetarians living in "meat culture" (whatever the fuck that even means) seems really offensive and, well, dumb.

and then MY triggers were affected at the "8-year-old" comment.

As a physician at MD Anderson, the world's #1 Cancer hospital, I can assert that quality medical literature VASTLY supports vegetarian/vegan diets as preventative against cancer, heart disease, stroke, inflammatory conditions, numerous autoimmune disorders, and many other pathologies.

I highly doubt he had their consent. Dudes like this only think rapey shit is funny, not consensual shit. I hope he gets kicked in the testicles so hard that he swallows one. Fucking piece of shit.

Thanks for this post. People are off their rockers if they think there is no such thing as "meat culture". I'm not even a vegetarian and I know it exists. How?

Surely it's fake? Ie the women were in on it and pretending not to know? Because he was perfectly positioned and he couldn't have known how to get in that perfect position without the camera person guiding him.