
What could it possibly do that puts other people in danger? The most dangerous drug for other people is alcohol because it leads to violence and antisocial behavior. The only threat that cannabis has is to cheetos.

Oh please expand on cutting weed down with other drugs. I am dying to hear this.

You're right, my job should, and I kind of agree in regards to the relevancy trans-occupation. I bring it up in direct relation to the general arguments I see pro-tipping. Some of the big ones are "You don't understand how hard serving is" and I say, ok, but I think we can agree my job is harder physically,

It hasn't. You're getting your information from the people who benefit directly from big tips, so yes of course 20 percent is standard but it should be 30 percent. Servers, let's face it, are people, and people are always eager to get a little more cash.

Yeah. It's 15 percent. Amazingly people who profit directly from tips will keep putting out the idea that a larger and larger percentage is the standard. It isn't. And clearly, by being generous and tipping twenty percent doesn't give people a good view of the public in general, it just causes them to think that

I do tip when I go out. I just said I hate it. I think the system is highly flawed, and servers/bartenders are not so precious a commodity as they or you think.

A tip is calculated as a percentage of the meal's cost, so inflation is already accounted for.

Only a third? Cheapo! I like to establish a 529 savings account for my waitstaffs' children.

So, I have an issue with Pinkham, and most of you commenters who are pro-tipping. I'm not trying to start an argument, but it is astounding how many people just accept this outdated custom. If you haven't noticed I agree with Bartlett, although I do tip, but not because I care about the worker, I don't, it's a hostage

You must be high, food prices match inflation and the tip is a percentage of food cost. No need to keep raising tip percentages unless food cost has stayed stagnant.

Not sad about it. I'm sick of people acting like Joan Rivers was a effing saint now that she has passed. Much of her professional persona was based on making vile jokes about people's appearance (see her joke that Avatar was shot on Gabourey Sidibe for just one example). She may have been a nice person personally, I

The best way to change a system is to be the system.

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to

This is the same woman who insisted that Roman Polanski drugging a drunk teenager is rape, but not "rape-rape." Of course she doesn't have any questions.

I'm honestly not sure what I would do if a truly good friend of mine were accused of rape. I'd be sickened, but if it was someone I was close with for a long time, and nothing I knew about them would ever lead me to suspect them capable of such a thing, am I not allowed to admit that I wouldn't necessarily immediately

Oooh you just cleared up what was bothering me so much about Whoopi's comment. She's got questions for the victim but none for her friend who did this? How about you go ask your friend some of those questions Whoops.

Look at the number of people (including Whoopi) who still refuse to reject convicted rapist Roman Polanski. A conviction isn't the deciding factor for a lot of apologists, they're going to hand wave the charges no matter what comes of them.

All this helpless throwing up of hands: "What do you do?" "What could you possibly do?" "We shouldn't even talk about it because it's all so confusing and upsetting and without a conviction I can't possibly believe my friend would ever..."

Because I'm famous and my friend's famous, I won't question my famous friend about my questions. But maybe social media can clear up a rape victim's process that we don't know anything about but then again, social media is too quick to judge. Anyhoo, "this is a friend of mine and I don't know".