
How about because he is filming them and then putting it on the Internet for 4 million people to watch? Come on. Consent is a major issue here.

"How would you feel if he did this to an 8 year old?"

I could easily see 3 or 4 times that being added to 100g of doritos.

Guess what food has the highest levels of MSG of any food known to man?


Male bathrooms are filthy. There's a reason they put pee catchers all over the walls in them.

So stop buying their films. Stop taking your kids to them. Most of you won't, though. That's why they keep putting white actors in everything. You keep paying them to do it. (and also supporting them through advertising with your viewing habits.)

It sounds like he's mirroring an adult in the house. I'd hate to have to deal with the adult he's learned that from, who actually speaks like that on a regular basis. It's like they're trying to out badger each other. Talking over other people with "Listen! Listen! Listen!" is ignoring and belittling them.

Now playing

I certainly won't be voting for Hillary. She's obsessed with trying to out neo-con the neo-cons. She's like John McCain's younger sister. Way too eager to spread yet more US brand death and destruction to support US corporate interests.

The e-liquid contains either Propylene Glycol or Vegetable Glycerin as the base. Both are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) food additives and used in medical nebulizers to deliver medicine through the lungs.

So being told overwhelmingly to avoid one specific space is ridiculous.

You're ignoring the pervasiveness of rape and assuming there are known places to avoid. There aren't.

The problem is, it often happens in "safe" places when you are being careful.

I think you might be mixing up some cause and effect here. Hospitals give out formula because some women will have difficulty breastfeeding.

This is just one example of breast feeding being the predominant method and contributing to the vilification, with little to no education about alternatives and their efficacy.

...and you just keep buying their products over and over and over again.

"Formula-feeding has been vilified in recent years"

Oh Jezebel...
