
"But perhaps she didn’t realize that dressing up like an actual person is wrong for so many reasons? "

"But perhaps she didn’t realize that dressing up like an actual person is wrong for so many reasons? "

"But perhaps she didn’t realize that dressing up like an actual person is wrong for so many reasons? "

It's really sad that some women feel compelled to mutilate their bodies for appearances. Especially when I seriously suspect that her preference for a small labia has a lot more to do with porn directors' personal preferences than anything.

Spoilers make the best headlines!!!

IMO, it's a gigantic stretch to consider this place a feminist publication. To me, it seems almost more like it's bent upon doing everything that feminism has been against for years under the guise of 'Like, umm, fashion! And stuff!'

I just treat it like I lost $200 rather than gained some essentially imaginary money.

One day I hope to live in a humanarchy. Or a peoplarchy.

LOL! Hilarious article.

Another ridiculously vain and completely unnecessary cosmetic procedure is possibly dangerous to your health too?

Sorry, but I just can't seem to find it in me to be outraged over a woman not smearing expensive crap all over her face. We live in a society where there is a constant drumbeat that women are not pretty enough without doing x, y, & z every single morning for everyone else's pleasure.

Sorry, but you're not going to get me outraged over commercialized religious nick nacks.

Easy solution: "that took guts!" Gender-neutral and still refers to your squishy parts.

I'm going to go out on a limb and make a wild guess that on the day she recorded the Youtube video, it was more important to her than cleaning. What, exactly, is wrong with that?

This is a great resume. She isn't a bean counter. She isn't in retail. She's in a creative field. This will most likely get her a better creative job than she would have landed without the video.

Why not photograph buttholes to demonstrate how, regardless of gender, we're all kind of the same?

I pretty much think corporate branding and advertising is an insidious form of evil propaganda with the ultimate goal of us emptying our pocketbooks for their endless parade of wallet-emptying devices, but I wasn't struck with a message of 'You should be skinny just like this can!' Maybe it's because I'm not a Swift

Filler injections gone wrong:

Who buys this kind of stuff besides collectors or those looking for an awesome deal on spoiled wine in the discount bin after they fail to sell at retail?