
(Though, Barbie was going into the prison to rescue the stuff elephant who had been captured.)

"Give it another 10 years and you will agree with my 2nd point as well."

Now playing

Perhaps more relevant. I'll not be voting for part 2 of The Clinton Dynasty.

No one says Christianity is a sexist backwards religion that is the reason these women are living this way. Instead, people blame the men for using religion to abuse women. Islam is never treated the same way.

I have nothing against others' choice to 'express their personality' by smearing petroleum-based goo on their faces, but i can't help personally thinking it's a giant misogynistic scam.

it sounds like the real culprit is not washing one's face after wearing a face full of makeup. So, what's a lazy person to do? Just stop painting your face!

Thank you! We don't need MORE people buying into this bullshit.

If condoms are required in California, they will make porn elsewhere. This is a big world and there are lots of places where condoms are not required. Period. End. Of.

It's not that strange for little girls (and sometimes boys) to fantasize about dressing up or being pretty or wearing grown up clothes, but there are other outlets for those desires that don't seem like they come with quite as much baggage

Well, if you need to point out an example of our society's most selfish love, these assholes would be it.

Popping blackheads is intensely satisfying. It reminds me of the grooming behavior of the great apes. Maybe that's why I feel compelled to pop those little suckers. I want to get those things out of my skin and see what's inside. The bigger the better!

Ads are the price you pay for free services. Advertising is how a website that offers you value, but doesn't charge you anything in return, makes money.

But to imply it starts and ends at football worship is irresponsible and I see that attitude A LOT.

a six-year-old held my hand and showed me the two photos of cute teenage boys on her “big girl” bedroom walls: Justin Bieber and Cody Saltsman.

Ugh. You can keep all the slobbery stinky dogs for all I care!

Why did you file this 15 year old boy under the heading "DIRT BAG" ?

Cable sucks. Long live internets.

The "Ancient Aliens" phenomenon deserves to be ridiculed because it takes a serious issue of the history of mankind and ancient technologies and completely bastardizes them into something only a crackpot could believe!

A delightful new poll from the U.S. National Sleep Foundation (only the best science was used, to be sure) found that, when asked about the manner and preponderance of their sleeping attire, 30 percent of British respondents admitted to sleeping naked, confident their domiciles would never catch fire in the night,