
But I choose my choice!

High heels that deform feet, makeup made with dangerous heavy metals and the sexual/anal secretions of small mammals, uncomfortable enhancing bras, constricting garments which hide fat, botox injections, makeup tattoos, silicone implants, vaginal renovation, anal bleaching...

What isn't disputable is that tens of thousands of women were enslaved into a system of religious punishment by one of the world's largest religions. These things do take place within the major religions, whether or not some choose to ignore them happening.

This modernly adapted religion releasing these women in 1996 who were enslaved for their religious "sins" is ancient history now?

Not to mention all the women who were worked to death as slaves, never having had the pleasure of being released from this modernly adapted religious slave camp.

You can start with the Magdalene Laundries...

"The purpose of this leaflet is to warn gays, lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, and other "perverts," as well as all people who care about gay rights, of the danger posed by the Church of Scientology. As demonstrated below, the Church of Scientology has determined that gays pose a grave danger to society. The Church

also, the major religions don't have a batshit center that blacklists/murders people while being untouchable to criticism because of a nasty legal team.

The situation you describe sounds like you reacted very defensively what most likely amounts to nothing more than a compliment or the expression of a preference.

And it's not usually men. It's usually women who feel the need to wear make up (whether for positive or negative reasons within themselves). I think this is just a form of social policing/self-validation, and not really a comment on what I "should" do. So, I effectively ignore them.

Why does not wearing makeup have to equal not giving a fuck? Many fucks are given without makeup. Just because there's an industry mashing cod sperm, anal secretions from small mammals, heavy metals, and other bizarre ingredients together into a product they want customers to smear on their faces in no way detracts

A endless parade of terrible sequels...

LOL!!! Hilarious posts. Thanks for the laughs! :)

The Kraken is... Released!

Do a search on the "Nag factor". Cut out the commercials. They are engineered to make your child want things and nag you to buy them crap all the time. Think about how a child must feel inside if that child is always wanting things he or she can't have and always begging you for things you can't/won't provide. It's

and the tenets at this point are so incredibly flexible on the higher power issue that all it basically boils down to is "stop letting arrogance get in the way of your recovery."

If you've ever been to a meeting (and you obviously haven't)

This program and other 12 Step Faith Healing programs are often required as part of a sentence. That is utterly ridiculous and many people are not informed about the true nature of AA and the very religious nature its steps and texts. The more people who know, the faster this is changed, the better.

Satyrs, flying penises, sex monkeys, Oh My!

"Unless each A.A. member follows to the best of his ability our suggested Twelve Steps to recovery, he almost certainly signs his own death warrant."

There's so much more to the steps and the notion of a higher power