
And your numbers come from where?


Your religious indoctrination rant is silly vomit.

Here's the TRUTH about AA.

AA does not work, even according to their own internal numbers.

This is such a great post, Consensus. I agree.

Geography isn't exactly a strongpoint with the average American. :/

Yes! This! Pathological jar cross contamination avoiders unite! This sandwich is an abomination! Think of all the sullied utensils this monstrosity will leave in its wake!

Why are women attacking other women over these shorts? This is progress? It's a butt cheek. Get over yourself.

It's great that this guy likes small asses. It's great that you have a small ass and feel empowered by the fact that he finds it attractive. You should get his #, the two of you should get a drink together.

Just comes across as more capitalist propaganda.

Talk about a gigantic plank in the eye of this site. What the hell? How does this person continue to blog next to bloggers who call out this kind of shit on a regular basis?

"Why be part of a religion if you're not going to do research on what they're all about?"

I'm pretty much over laugh tracks. All the shows that resemble "classic" sitcoms — Big Bang Theory, Mike and Molly, Two and a Half Men, Two Broke Girls — just kind of feel insulting to my intelligence these days.

Because "Big Bang Theory" is supposedly intelligent humor for geeks and nerds but it is actually pretty low brow humor wrapped in geekish terminology.

So, let me get this straight. They asked guys their penis size and told them "IF YOU DON'T TELL THE TRUTH OMG YOUR CONDOM WILL NOT FIT!!!1!!!one!1"
Get back to me when real scientists measure real penises.

The NYT article strikes me as capitalist propaganda more than anything. They want us all punching clocks at the highest worker productivity in the world while they continuously pay less and less money.
How much time can two parents who have careers spend with their children? A minimum wage job won't pay for gas and day

I don't like the princesses or what they represent. The princess aisle makes me want to barf.

Sex while tripping can be awesome.

Why? Also, she's not naked.